Feature - Rejected Mafia seems to be missing the "Tome Skills" dropdown from the "After Ronin" tab.

In ronin, you're limited to three tome uses per day and have to choose which tomes to spend them on. Outside of ronin, you can use each tome three times, so that's what KoLmafia does.
In ronin, you're limited to three tome uses per day and have to choose which tomes to spend them on. Outside of ronin, you can use each tome three times, so that's what KoLmafia does.
so is there a way to tell it what to do, what to cast the tome stuff on?
You're right. For the various breakfast items/skills, the choice is just whether to use them or not. With clip art, you need to choose which item you want, and that's likely to change either over the course of an ascension or as mall prices change. Breakfast just doesn't handle clip art all, in-ronin or post-ronin.