Mafia Scripts Too Fast?


Yesterday I received a in game message from HotStuff saying this...

From HotStuff (#59035) [reply] [quoted]
Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 04:45PM
Hey there.

You need to throttle your Mall script WAY back. We ask that people keep Mall requests below 1 every 10 seconds. Your bot is averaging closer to 1 request per second!

If you can't throttle your bot back by Friday, I'm going to have to disable the account.

Thank you.

Now what I don't quite understand is, as far as I am aware the only scripts I use that even use mall search are Eatdrink, OCD control, and a basic script that uses up my Nash's Still uses and buys ingredients to make super booze.

Anyone else ever have this problem? I don't seem to have this problem on my other account using the exact same scripts.
I guess what I will do is not run my booze script since no one else has this problem with the other forum public scripts.
Really the only thing I can think of that might be doing this is that often EatDrink will run through the entire list of foods pulling mall information to determine the best option. But again wouldn't other users be having the same problem as me?
I responded back to possibly take a look at their logs so I can pin point it. You think they just send out messages every once an a while to weed out mall bots?
Do you have "Share recent Mall price data with other users" checked? That should significantly reduce the number of mall searches made by EatDrink, since it uses historical_price() in at least some places.
Is that in the EatDrink script or in Mafia? As I do not see that option in the script.


NM, I found it and unchecked it.
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Wouldn't sharing it cause mafia to search through all available options, recording all prices?

My other account had it unchecked and he didn't message that account.
Wouldn't sharing it cause mafia to search through all available options, recording all prices?

My other account had it unchecked and he didn't message that account.

Having it checked causes mafia to make a single check to for an updated version of mallprices.txt when you log in, getting more recent mall prices and updating the last time the price was updated. When you log out, any updates from your mall searches are sent back to At best, some of those updated prices allow scripts to not do an actual mall search. At worst, it has zero impact on the number of mall searches you do.
No, it means that if you have it checked it'll download and update mallprices.txt from and update the things that are older than what you have so that historical_price is more correct than what it would otherwise be.
I ran my account with it unchecked and it didn't do a price search. It went with the favorite options.

Have those scripts already been used today on another account? If so, you updated the mall prices by running those scripts, resulting in them not needing to check the mall for so many things. Or maybe one of the fifty relevant settings in EatDrink is different between the two characters for you.
Ok thats good to know. Nothing was run until a couple minutes ago so they weren't updated today. Would how I call eatdrink have anything to do with it?

eatdrink (fullness_limit (), inebriety_limit (), spleen_limit (), false, to_int (get_property("valueOfAdventure")),0,0,0,false);


I double checked my vars. All eatdrink variables are identical between accounts.
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Nope. Clarified for people who don't read EatDrink:
Eat to max fullness.
Drink to max inebriety.
Squish to max spleen. (How DO you use those spleeners anyways?)
Don't overdrink.
Value of Adventure is valueOfAdventure.
No value for prime stats.
No value for off-prime stats.
No meat for pulling items.
Don't simulate, do this for real.

Only thing that affects your acquisitiveness there is not considering ronin-pulls. And of course that you've disabled price sharing. Being that they're the admins, they DO probably know that you're the same player between alt and main. It's possible that they sent your main the message because of your alt... just turn it on. Like people say, it won't hurt and it WILL reduce your total server hits.