Mafia running 120352 kb.... lag city

A bit of a shot in the dark, but is it possible there's a corrupt setting? Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anything about doing a clean "install". I don't remember how that works on a Mac, so someone else would have to explain it. I find it hard to believe i_eat_food's multi has something special about it that he wouldn't have mentioned, so maybe there's something special in the settings files for that character.
I don't have any multis anymore. I just have my one main and don't even log in my wife on my laptop anymore. I'm not really having trouble anymore though. I deleted a lot of things and tried to streamline what I could and it has seemed to help a little.
I wanted to throw in an update again. Wrldwzrd helped me update my java and get the new warp running right on my mac and now I'm running about 25% of my CPU :D 150000 is the average KB now!