Bug - Not A Bug Mafia (or at least gCLI) seem to be a bit behind after some fights


[1411] Sorceress Tower: Naughty Sorceress
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress
Round 0: ferdawoon loses initiative!
You lose 86 hit points
Round 1: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 2: the naughty sorceress takes 144 damage.
You lose 88 hit points
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 3: the naughty sorceress takes 154 damage.
You lose 89 hit points
Round 3: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 4: the naughty sorceress takes 144 damage.
Round 4: ferdawoon wins the fight!
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (2)
Round 0: ferdawoon loses initiative!
You lose 104 hit points
Round 1: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 2: the naughty sorceress (2) takes 140 damage.
Round 2: the naughty sorceress (2) heals 55 hit points.
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 3: the naughty sorceress (2) takes 142 damage.
You lose 103 hit points
Round 3: ferdawoon casts CLEAVE!
Round 4: the naughty sorceress (2) takes 169 damage.
You lose 101 hit points
Round 4: ferdawoon casts CLEAVE!
Round 5: the naughty sorceress (2) takes 156 damage.
You lose 98 hit points

While the web browser show me:
You lose 98 hit points.
You lose. You slink away, dejected and defeated.

Meaning it dont fire between-battle events such as healing up, clearing Beaten Up, etc. It do when I want to start the next combat (have had this happen before but cant remember when I'm afraid). I did this combat manually, and when automating many adventures in it seem to be doing everything just fine (but then I dont know if it fire after combat, or just before the next, even though the end result is the same).

Boris-Core run, maybe I should mention. r10649
Took a screenshot but... the 100k limit for attachement is in the way =P
Will upload if it is needed.
Meaning it dont fire between-battle events such as healing up, clearing Beaten Up, etc. It do when I want to start the next combat (have had this happen before but cant remember when I'm afraid).
Yes. That is the correct behavior. It doesn't do between-battle actions (scripts, moods, hp restoration, mp restoration) until you are about to adventure again. I changed it to work that way in revision 10396 on February 4 - more than 3 weeks ago.
Huh, I could have sworn I had seen it behave in the old way, healing up, etc, after a combat just recently. Maybe I was just drunk then!
Must have missed the "patchnotes", or whatever it is called with Mafia =)

At least now I know it is intended! Cheers for the quick reply!