Bug - Not A Bug Mafia not sensing when Clan dungeon loot have been assigned.


Searching for Loot in the Bug forum did not yield something that looked like it could be what I want to mention.

Having done the Slimetube recently to get Nodules, I found that when assigning loot to myself, Mafia don't seem to sense new items being added to my inventory.

I tried to refresh the inventory (using the refresh button in the Item Manager), I tried to refresh the session using that big refreshbutton in the bottom left corner.
I know that the loot is given as K-Mail so I opened the chat, which tend to give me green lines about recieving messages and buffs as I know that Mafia's Skill manager dont continuusly update the list of current active buffs, but it always update properly if I open the chat to get the notifications there when a buffbot cast a buff on me. I even tried refreshing the inventory after getting those messages in the chat.
I tried to look for hte item in the General inventory list, I tried to see if I could craft the item I wanted to make, but ofc nothing as I lacked materials.
I went to the relay browser and checked the K-Mail and the items were there. I checked the inventory and the items were there.
Logging out and then back in solve the problem.
Had a similar problem when Mafia did not sense that I got assigned loot from the Hobo Elfs during Crimbo.

What am I doing wrong to make Mafia sense that I have been assigned loot and add it to my inventory lists?
There must be something I've missed as this cannot be a new problem =S
Mafia doesn't automatically add items you recieve in a kmail. Refreshing your inventory should do the trick though... Can you see the items in your inventory through the Relay Browser?

EDIT: I skipped the part where you said you could see them. What item was it exactly? Do you have all the checkboxes at the top of Item Manager -> General checked? Do the items appear if you do "refresh inv" in the gCLI?
I tried to refresh the inventory (using the refresh button in the Item Manager)
This ALWAYS works for me. The missing items obviously do not show up in the Session Tally or the Recent section, since KoLmafia didn't see them coming in, but they appear in the General inventory section.

I have no explanation for why that didn't work for you.
It was when I assigned myself the Caustic nodules from the Slime Tube, and I wanted to craft the Slime Hate gear that I noticed that the items I wanted to make did not appear in the Craftable list and searching for the item in the general inventory did not show the Caustics. Dunno about other items as I did not pay attention to those.
Yeh I had all the tickboxes checked and all that.

Maybe I forgot to do something in some order. Will see if I can replicate the problem more precisely next run through the tube.
Just to be clear. It is not a bug for mafia to not recognize items granted by kMails. That can cause confusion, but mafia will not know if those items are currently included in its inventory list, so be aware.

If you clicked the big refresh button in the bottom left corner it will not refresh inventory. If you clicked that button expecting it to notice your caustic nodules, then it is not a bug.

If you clicked the refresh button in the inventory manager and it still did not recognize items currently in your inventory, that is a bug.