Bug - Not A Bug Mafia has broken something Post r25995


Hello. I just downloaded r26001, as my previous up-to-date was r25995. With r26001, I'm unable to see any of my active effects in the charpane. Reverting back to 25995 fixed this for me. I'll have to try with other updates bewteen the two to see if I can narrow it down.

This would be a change in 26000 that CHIT needs to be updated to handle. In the mean time, you'll need to disable your charpane script to view effects.
This would be a change in 26000 that CHIT needs to be updated to handle. In the mean time, you'll need to disable your charpane script to view effects.
I guess I'm not quite as tech-savvy as I should be. Does that mean I need to uninstall CHIT, or that there's a way to just disable it without doing so?
If svn update worked reliably you wouldn't have to change anything but I had to:

If running the version from the first page of the forum page on ChIT or the svn scripts menu then
svn delete mafiachit
If running the version on Github then
svn delete ChIT
Then checkout the current release on Github
To get the updated version that fixes the issue.

If you want to temporarily disable ChIT (without uninstalling), then use the following command
zlib chit.disable = true
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If svn update worked reliably

Feel free to submit a bug report, since if the unreliability is a KoLmafia problem then it should be fixed.

I will note that several reports I have received about "not working" have been operator or scripter error. If the user chooses not to do updates on login then they will have to trigger updates manually. Script author "errors" have included not setting the repository up in the manner expected by KoLmafia, trying to manage updates from within the script and not using expected filename and directory structure conventions.

In the specific case of chit I note that the version of chit that KoLmafia will install from the Script Menu is Bale's version hosted at SourceForge and not the LASS fork at GitHub. It is a known bug that if both versions are installed the "wrong" version can overwrite the newer version. The KoLmafia Community has not really dealt with the technical and social issues around the Scripts Menu when there are forks or competing versions.

If the unreliability you note is caused by this known bug then it would certainly be worth a Feature Request and a discussion about the contents of svnrepo.json and how to deal with forks and renames.