mafia handling offsite info

I was just wondering if mafia accepts cookies from sites other than KoL.
If not, is there a way to emulate the behavior?

Essentially, I'm looking for a way to make my script access an offsite forum and be able to make posts there.

I'm intrigued as to why this would be something you wanted to do. I believe you are pretty much limited to whatever visit_url( string url ) returns, so cookies are not accessible. You can submit GET requests happily as normal, and also POST requests.

GET requests are obvious. If not, then this isn't the place for a tutorial. PM me if you need help. POST requests also work fine. I've set up an example for you that I'll leave live for a couple of days.

> ash visit_url( "" , false );

> ash visit_url( "" , true );

Hopefully that will illustrate the point.
I understand GET and POST but I was never really sure on cookies.

Are they normally just lumped in as POST data anytime a user accesses a page from a site? I know that they must be set/unset (from the server) before any html is sent, but I have no idea how/when a user returns the information.

Not that this info would really help me, since I wouldn't be able to actually retrieve the original cookies in mafia's framework.

Anyway, the reason I ask is that I have a bot that runs quite a bit of the clan's infrastructure and a colleague was wondering if we could link it to our offsite forums.

I'm not sure what he'd want to post for, but we can pull data just fine with visit_url() which is all we have for now.

Write your own webservice in php or asp(.net) to maintain the session on the 'other' site, and have the afformentioned webservice accept get/post requests from mafia and post them. kind of like a proxy. although theres probably some minor security issues there, if no-one is going to ever have the script you could add some validation to the post so the 'proxy' only accepts data from you.

cookies are set with a set-cookie header in response to a post or get, usually from a login submission (mostly will require post). grab and save the value, and then use it in a cookie header with any further communication.
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Write your own webservice in php or asp(.net) to maintain the session on the 'other' site, and have the afformentioned webservice accept get/post requests from mafia and post them. kind of like a proxy. although theres probably some minor security issues there, if no-one is going to ever have the script you could add some validation to the post so the 'proxy' only accepts data from you.

cookies are set with a set-cookie header in response to a post or get, usually from a login submission (mostly will require post). grab and save the value, and then use it in a cookie header with any further communication.

That's... so incredibly simple. And versatile. Granted I'd still have to do a bit of learning to get the server to accept cookies (all my work up until now has been in setting and manipulating), that would work out for a bunch of other uses as well (mafiaSQL!) And now I'm even -more- sad that my desktop died (it was all ready to go with LAMP and WAMP [not that I ever booted into linux...]). I'm a broke ho so I can't really afford server space elsewhere than my home... though this may motivate me to get it set up again which would also make running the bot that needs this off-site access easier as well.