Mafia-Firefox: Crash


I haven't seen anything about this on the forum lately, so I suppose it's likely to be happening only to me:

Firefox stops responding after a few server hits while logged in via mafia.
-Happens after a few clicks, but not reproducible with any particular hit.
-Doesn't happen in Firefox without mafia.
-Doesn't happen in IE at all.

Anyone seen this lately or have any ideas? Thanks for reading.
nox, are you still having this problem? I've tried the last few daily builds, but that hasn't remedied the problem. How much do I hate choosing between Mafia and Firefox? : ).
Yup. Just tried it again this morning with build 6993 and it locked up after 3 clicks. Same with 6989 earlier.

Oh how I miss greasemonkey...
I haven't had any Firefox issues with Mafia. Have you tried turning off Add-ons. Tools, Options, Main Tab, Manage Add-ons.
I have only one add-on, greasemonkey. And sadly, disabling it fixed the problem. Probably a compatibility issue since gm was updated. Will it (or can it) be addressed in the near future?
Yeah, if I never tried something that only had a small chance of fixing a problem, some of my problems would never have been solved. It is the variables you're unaware of which will simultaneously cause trouble and remove your ability to estimate probability.
Ha ha. I actually already tried it, with no luck. Does anyone know the cause of the problem? Is it definitely the GM update?
I have experienced a slightly worse problem than this (although my Firefox has been hanging too)... I have actually been experiencing KoLmafia itself randomly hanging after as little as 25 adventures. I'm running the same scripts as before and never used to have the problem.
I just can't bear to play KoL without mafia!