Bug - Fixed Mafia erroneously assumes I have the cold medicine cabinet in

r25959 and r25965

At no point today has the cold medicine cabinet been in my workshed.

I switched from induction oven to asdon martin, ran a farming script, went to hop the gash, and my gash-hop script warned me that I couldn't switch to the asdon because I lacked the item. Running getWorkshed() from the CLI returned the medicine cabinet. Visiting the workshed via relay corrected this, I hopped the gash, and went on my merry way.

Or so I thought.

My CS script aborted partway through, failing to cap the item test on the basis that it couldn't use driving observantly. Navigated to the workshed via the relay, re-ran, went off perfectly fine.

Finally, I went to hop the gash before my casual leg, and was warned again. I navigated yet again to the workshed via the relay and re-ran. After hopping the gash, my workshed was listed as asdon. At some point in my casual script, it's been set to the cold medicine cabinet, and ran into a wall again.

I'm not sure when my workshed is getting incorrectly set. Exiting and re-opening mafia seems to get it a correct workshed answer, but at some point in the operation of many of my scripts, mafia is becoming convinced that I have the medicine cabinet in there. I'll start examining logs to provide further information, but the thing that's alarming to me about this is that its understanding of my current workshed is changing without me changing my workshed. The issue isn't that it's wrong to begin with, but rather it is becoming wrong during its runtime.


Well-known member
I had a similar problem when I replaced the pizza oven with the cold medicine cabinet. The cabinet seems to be only available every twenty turns after the first use and a message to that effect appears, in vanilla KoL, for some reason with KoLmafia, if you're not able to use the cabinet it tries to use what was last in the workshed.