Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't recognize the daily special in Little Canadia


The ash function daily_special() does not return the daily special from little canadia, nor does it show up in the item manager under available food:

It was showing up in the item manager just fine for me during the previous PvP season. I'm not sure if this helps though, and I didn't know about the daily_special() so I can't say anything about that.
On a character in a Gnome sign:

Visiting The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery...
Menu retrieved.

[color=green]> ash daily_special().name[/color]

Returned: spooky eggnog
It shows up in the "usables" list with an autosell price of 49 and a quantity of 5 (since I have that many in inventory), but not in the Booze list (where the price would be 147 Meat).

I put a breakpoint in the isVisible() method of the the ConsumableFilterField and it returns "true" for this item - but it doesn't show it.


Edit: Petite Porter, Scrawny Stout, and Infinitesimal IPA all show up.
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Weird. The sea lychee that triggered this report went from not registering anywhere, to showing up everywhere after my fix.
I just noticed that "spooky eggnog" was on the "memento list" of that character. Since a "memento" only applies to items in inventory, it shouldn't care about daily specials, since those are not "items" on the usables list; they are "names" with a price.

I've cleaned up the isVisible method for ConsumablesFilter and will submit.