Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't recognise Irresistibility potions (appears to be due to a typo)


New member
(Using r10437).

Trying to buy or use irresistibility potions from the CLI (I used the shortened form of the name "irresist") produces the following:
> buy 2 irresist

Searching for "irresistibillity potion"...
Search complete.

> use 2 irresist

Searching for "irresistibillity potion"...
Search complete.
Searching for "irresistibillity potion"...
Search complete.
You need 2 more irresistibillity potion to continue.

Note the double 'l' in the output.

Going to the mall in the relay browser and buying from there gives this output in the CLI:
Unrecognized item found: 2 irresistibility potions
You acquire irresistibility potions (2)

Trying to use the newly bought items from the CLI by typing the entire name gives this:
> use 2 irresistibility potion

[irresistibility potion] has no matches.


Last edited:
Ah, they fixed that typo. (It had previously been spelled in-game with the double L.)

The wiki is now updated; just going to fix the redirects.