Mafia/bumcheek issues :(

Here is what I have right now :)

Do you have commit access, Theraze?

Don't think so. I need to play with BCA at some point, but every time I remember, I'm halfway through a run already and BCA got horrifically confused. :D Should be better with the advances to quest tracking being possible...

Here is what I have right now :)

Were you trying to compile your own copy of mafia? If not, you don't really need ANY of that... just download the daily build from the top of the page here, Daily Builds section. :)
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Just make sure you don't delete the folders named settings, scripts, relay, etc. But the folder you showed was the sourcecode folder, not the actual application folder...
No, keep all those. But get out of that folder. Create your mafia folder someplace else and only use those folders if you need to look up something or to install new scripts in the scripts folder and relay overrides in the relay folder.
Edited to save space
Please don't fill a thread with that again. Someone else might have the same issue later, and now you've made that part of the thread useless enough that it might as well be deleted.
So delete the ones I highlighted?


Keep all those, them's your settings files. :D Remove the KoLmafia15.1 folder from your desktop, those are all (with the exception of the jar) only useful for building new files from source. Download the daily build to somewhere (desktop is fine) and run that.