Bug - Fixed Mafia and Can of Black paint in WotSF-path


If on the WotSF path, KoL won't let you use the Can of Black Paint.
Mafia seem to still think that it is usable and when used reduce it's count in Inventory by one.

Have happened my last 3-4 (or more) ascensions using BCCAscend, which I think use it to get Elemental resistance at the Spookyraven, and it ´have happened every time so it is not something that showed up recently.

Problem is solved by an Inv refresh tho :)
Bumping this thread just to say that the problem persists.
I get in the gCLI that
Conditions satisfied after 5 adventures.
Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP, amount=0
BCC: Turning in the stone rose
Refreshing closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Updating inventory...
You need 1000 meat for a can of black paint
Refreshing closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Updating inventory...
Requests complete.

Using BCC's Ascend script it abort because it think I have no can of black pain and it cannot get one due to lack of funds (and also because the vendor is dead). It seems like an Inventory refresh is triggered before the check, but it still fail to find it. I do an inventory refresh of my own and then voila, it is back in the inventory list and the script can keep on going.

The Can of Black Paint is used to help survive the elemental dmg from Lord Spookyraven but the can of black paint is not usable in WotSF. Mafia dont seem to recognize this and reduce the number of cans in my inventory by one anyway.
Bumping this thread just to say that the problem persists.
Is this EVER necessary or helpful?

- Somebody reports a real bug in KoLmafia
- No code is submitted in KoLmafia to fix the bug.
- The bug reporter notices that the bug remains unfixed.

Surprise! Not.
I dunno, it can be useful if the bug report has fallen to page 2 or 3. I had forgotten about this one.

This seems like a limiter needs to be added in UseItemRequest. I'm away from my development machine for a week or so if someone else wants to squash this in the meantime.

Also, the failure message: "Your teachings forbid the use of black paint."
Useful if it provides new data, useless if it just says the problem exists. I'd see your post with the failure message as useful, while the bump which just gave us the gCLI showing that apparently BCC Ascend shouldn't get used for WotSF, which BCC has already said in the Ascend thread, was not.
		case ItemPool.BLACK_PAINT:
			if ( KoLCharacter.inFistcore() )
				UseItemRequest.limiter = "your teachings";
				return 0;
would go somewhere in UseItemRequest.maximumUses(). I don't know if there's some order to how things are placed in there. Also, as cool as that failure message looks, it wouldn't fit with the format that the message uses
KoLmafia.updateDisplay( "(usable quantity of " + this.itemUsed +
				" is limited to " + maximumUses + " by " +
				UseItemRequest.limiter + ")" );
I even took the time to sleep on this one to try to calm down, but I honestly cannot shut up this time..
Is this EVER necessary or helpful?

- Somebody reports a real bug in KoLmafia
- No code is submitted in KoLmafia to fix the bug.
- The bug reporter notices that the bug remains unfixed.

Surprise! Not.

If I recall correctly, you were the one to even suggest I make the report in the first case, something I had not bothered to do even though I had experienced it for a couple of ascensions because, well, this is the response I tend to get every time I try..
The reason for the bump instead of just ignoring it as I tnd to do with all the other bugs I encounter? Well, it was on the 5th page with a bug that I assumed that you knew would be reported.

But it is good to know that if someone make a bugreport without providing the neccesary patch already fixed, it will be ignored. How else should I interpret

- Somebody reports a real bug in KoLmafia
- No code is submitted in KoLmafia to fix the bug.
- The bug reporter notices that the bug remains unfixed.
Yes, I see how other reports get treated, even some of my own, so I know the deal: If no one make a note that it is fixed, or change the prefix to Fixed, then nothing have happened. It is also good to know that if a report fall behind a couple of pages that it is intentionally being ignored and should just be assumed that it will not be fixed.

Well, that was really my last effort to make a bugreport..

Useful if it provides new data, useless if it just says the problem exists. I'd see your post with the failure message as useful, while the bump which just gave us the gCLI showing that apparently BCC Ascend shouldn't get used for WotSF, which BCC has already said in the Ascend thread, was not.

If Mafia think something can be used when it cannot, then I dont think it matter if it is caused by a script or if it is a user trying to do something on his or her own. It is a bug within Mafia. I mean, why not let Mafia think you have weapons and shields equipped in WotSF? The scripts and players should know that it cannot be done.
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I was gonna stay out of this but...

Veracity's comment about code submission refers to any developer submitting code (that deals with the bug) to SourceForge. That is not the same as submitting a patch (to be committed) with a Bug Report. I usually get in trouble trying to figure out or explain Veracity's posts but in this case I understood her comment to be along the lines of "If no developer has committed code to fix the bug then it almost certainly has not been fixed and is thus is still open."

I have been around KoLmafia long enough to know that the surest way to p*ss off the people doing the lion's share of the work is to act impatient or act as if you are somehow entitled to tell them how to spend their time. In that context it is difficult to determine whether a bump will be perceived as a friendly attempt to get a developer interested in the bug OR an impatient demand that something be fixed.

That said, there may be an opportunity to make better use of the tags on the feature requests. If I, for example, could receive an email with links to Open reports then I might look for and find something I was capable of addressing and do so. (This would have to be a push since at least I have proven I keep forgetting to pull the information). If the report were available to the highly skilled, talented and motivated Corps of Minions then perhaps they would test, close or otherwise revitalize interest. A bump for the sake of bumping might carry some baggage, but a report that a different person was able to reproduce the bug in a particular version (combined with a "how to") seems to me to be new information and not just a bump. True fantasyland would be to have a script that ran periodically, created a page with links to open bug reports (oldest first) and posted that page to a (new) Forum here, much like the SVN commits get posted.
If I, for example, could receive an email with links to Open reports then I might look for and find something I was capable of addressing and do so. (This would have to be a push since at least I have proven I keep forgetting to pull the information).
We could write a Greasemonkey script for kolmafia.us that creates another link that links you to open reports, if you think that'd help.
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We can already filter threads in the Bug Reports subforum based on the prefix (such as "Bug Report"). I rarely do it, but it's very useful when I want to go through open bug reports.
For me the issue is push not pull. I could certainly use existing forum tools if I remembered to do so. Maybe I should just write a script to pull, scrape and display and then run it on my machine...
Ferdawoon, what I meant is that neither your first nor second reports actually give anything that would help this to be implemented. It wasn't until roippi gave the failed message that it was actually able to be fixed...