Mad Tea Party - relay script

A. Nonyme

New member
This is a relay script to let you choose a buff from the Mad Tea Party. Current version is 0.4

To use it, copy the ash file to your relay directory.

This script should try to acquire hats that you do not have if you select a buff that needs it.

I did use part of the script written by Bale found there:

Do not hesitate to report any bug, and thanks to Bale for helping me debug it.

Version 0.4:
- Correct acquisition of hats.
Version 0.5:
- Do not consider hat the one's cannot wear.


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I join the script, but it does not work. The visit_url used to select the first option does not seem to work.

Well, the answer is in the alias of mine that you referenced. You forgot choiceform2.
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Feature request: It would be nice if this script also considered hats in NPC stores.

Armory & Leggery: $items[snorkel , Kentucky-style derby, pentacorn hat, goofily-plumed helmet, yellow plastic hard hat, wooden salad bowl, football helmet]
If in_muscle_sign( ): $items[maiden wig, bugbear beanie]
Also add $item[basic meat helmet] if in_muscle_sign(), since it's basically an NPC store item with Innabox?

And while you're at it, all the sewer hats? $items[disco mask, mariachi hat, seal-skull helmet, helmet turtle, ravioli hat, hollandaise helmet]
Good ones. All trivially acquirable hats need to be considered, preferably with logic for acquiring them when the button is clicked. That's the real advantage a relay script can have over my little alias.
I updated the script to take your suggestions into account. I did not test it thoroughly though, because I'm in HCO, and resources are a little bit too scarce right now. I'll do more testing at the end of the run.

Unfortunately the script is still not working. I changed my way of doing, and you now need to have this script:! installed for mine to work. But it still does not, and I cannot find out why. It seems that there is a problem calling choice.php from a relay script... Maybe mafia is not converting the pwd?

BTW Bale, I saw your choiceform2, but I don't think it is really relevent, because choiceform2 is the name of the <form> used to decline the invitation. The fact that your alias still works make me thinks that the important parameter is the choice=1, and not the choiceform[12]='...'
A little testing and... YES. That was the problem. It worked with this line:


Thanks, I did not know this function.

I updated the script, do not hesitate to report any bug.
Using 1 "DRINK ME" potion...
You acquire an effect: Down the     Rabbit Hole (duration: 20 Adventures)
Finished using 1 "DRINK ME"     potion.
Putting on filthy knitted dread sack...
Equipment changed.
You     acquire an effect: Dances with Tweedles (duration: 30 Adventures)
Putting     on Dolphin King's crown...
Equipment changed.

It appears to be working perfectly. If 1 test can be used to define perfectly :)
I have an account that sewer levels, and I need to use the mad hatter buff that increases spell damage. So in using this script I notice that it buys a
"wooden salad bowl" even though I can't equip it because my stats aren't high enough at that point. What I usually do is create a "basic meat helmet"
which can be worn at a much lower stat requirement.

Can your script be enhanced to check for stat requirements, and use alternative equipment to meet them?