Lure Minions


I found that I had some troubles trying to use Lure Minions in the Relay Brower using Firefox, so I wrote this little script to Lure Minions from the gCLI.

The actual issue seems to be a Firefox problem, since I can use the skill without any problem in Opera.

  • Download the script and place it in Mafia's /scripts folder
  • Call it from the gCLI as if it where a CLI command:
lure [ * | num | -num ] [ crappy | decent | good ]

*    - use all brains
num  - use num brains
-num - use all but nun brains


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It isn't only Firefox that causes issues. If I run this script and then immediately try "cast ag-grave-ation", it fails, which matches my experience with Summon Minion and Summon Horde. You need another visit_url() with option=5 (I think it's 5, whichever one exits) or going to main.php to clean things up for future actions.
I decided to take this opportunity to make Summon Minion and Summon Horde scripts, since Mafia doesn't handle them yet (as far as I know?) My apologies if these scripts have already been made somewhere.

These are much simpler than lure.ash, with the syntax simply:

minion [ num ]
horde [ num ]

Just like lure.ash, place these scripts in your KoLMafia scripts folder and call them from the gCLI as a CLI command.

Let me know if these need to be more robust!


Oh, and before I forget: Until Mafia correctly parses the loss of brains from Lure Minions, I recommend putting:

cli_execute( "refresh inv" );

...somewhere near the beginning of lure.ash. I just stuck it in main() before the actual lure() call.
Makes it slightly nicer if you put an if(n>0) { ... } around the actual URL hits. To make the early game less fiddly I set unconditional mood triggers for "lure * crappy" and "lure * decent", speeds things up to not fire the lure unless I have any.
Good point, I added a check for when n == 0.

By the way, it hit me the other day (but I haven't had time to do anything about it). You know what a great place for a "lure" button would have been? The Food panel in the Item Manager!
By the way, it hit me the other day (but I haven't had time to do anything about it). You know what a great place for a "lure" button would have been? The Food panel in the Item Manager!

Those buttons don't change after you have the Item Manager open. I would want the button there right after ascending, and I wouldn't want it there after freeing the king. The latter would not be so much of an issue since it could be unclickable until you restart mafia and it goes away, but the former would lead to people restarting mafia, unless there's a good way to add and remove buttons there mid-session.
Those buttons don't change after you have the Item Manager open. I would want the button there right after ascending, and I wouldn't want it there after freeing the king. The latter would not be so much of an issue since it could be unclickable until you restart mafia and it goes away, but the former would lead to people restarting mafia, unless there's a good way to add and remove buttons there mid-session.

How is this handled currently for the GGG button (which can't be used in bad moon or Boris)?
How is this handled currently for the GGG button (which can't be used in bad moon or Boris)?

It is always there, no matter what, just grayed out if you don't own the familiar. A button that only applies to a single challenge path should not be there all the time.
It is always there, no matter what, just grayed out if you don't own the familiar. A button that only applies to a single challenge path should not be there all the time.

Contrarywise, there's only a limited number of GGGs in the kingdom, and that number will never go up (and number of active players with active GGGs might even go down) - while anybody can ascend into a new zombie run at any gash. IMAO, this makes a "lure" button *more* desirable (or potentially useful) than "feed GGG" button (assuming all other reasons for/against putting it there are equal).
Could also be set by a hidden preference that, if it's enabled, means to always show it. Leave responsibility for its proper use on the user who has enabled or disabled it.
Contrarywise, there's only a limited number of GGGs in the kingdom, and that number will never go up (and number of active players with active GGGs might even go down) - while anybody can ascend into a new zombie run at any gash. IMAO, this makes a "lure" button *more* desirable (or potentially useful) than "feed GGG" button (assuming all other reasons for/against putting it there are equal).

If the hobo/GGG buttons weren't already there, I would probably argue against adding them for that reason. I can imagine the response to taking them away though, so I'm not suggesting that.
If the hobo/GGG buttons weren't already there, I would probably argue against adding them for that reason. I can imagine the response to taking them away though, so I'm not suggesting that.
Too bad the GGG is usable in Zombiecore. If it weren't I'd suggest making the "feed ghost" button be "lure minions" while on the Zombie Slayer path. We could still do that whenever you don't have a GGG equipped. Heck, we could do it regardless; feeding your GGG makes it give you MP - which doesn't help you in Zombiecore, so why would you want to feed it? The Wiki says it makes the familiar attack your enemies. Really? Is that important?

Feeding brains to a GGG in Zombiecore seems such a niche case compared to using them to Lure Minions, which you will want to do many many times on that path.

Could also be set by a hidden preference that, if it's enabled, means to always show it. Leave responsibility for its proper use on the user who has enabled or disabled it.
I consider "hidden preferences" to be bad design. Even the ones I created. :)