Bug - Fixed Lucky Lindy adventure count is incorrect

Where is the spading data that says 16-20?

It is a size 6 "good" drink.
So is a Fog Murderer - which we have at 14-16.
"The Wiki" is not "spading data".

One hopes that whoever entered those numbers had drunk at least one Lucky Lindy.
That is not guaranteed.

For example, today I got my first "Doc's Special Reserve Wine".
The Wiki says that gives 5 adventures and an effect - but lists no stats.

I drank my (size 1) booze with Ode and got:

Drinking 1 Doc's Special Reserve Wine...
You gain 6 Adventures
You gain 27 Beefiness
You gain 28 Magicalness
You gain 29 Smarm
You acquire an effect: Fixed Right Up (40)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
Finished drinking 1 Doc's Special Reserve Wine.

Now THAT is spading data - but not enough enter into our data files.
Except I can believe it gives 5 advs - just like the other Doc's wines.
And I wager that the stat ranges are all the same; it does not favor any stat.
But I need more data before I can enter any ranges.

Point being, whoever entered the Special Reserve Wine in the Wiki had obviously never drunk one.
Often people entering stuff into the wiki don't submit everything. One reason to not submit stats is that you don't remember what +% stat effects and gear you had at the time of drinking, or whether you used a twist of lime or not, and so you don't know how far off the stats you got were. I did that for a while, but nobody really fixes up the stats in most cases, so now I just enter best guesses. Also people might enter stuff from Mafia or Discord or forum posts or guesses.

The person who added the wine also added the consumption message, so I suspect they did drink one.

In short you can't really trust the wiki, even up to the absence of data.
Cool! You have given us five data points. Thank you.

Edit: lines from your session log - rather than screenshots - work just as well.

I have a multi in a clan with a Speakeasy. I'll use up 18 of his inebriety tomorrow to get 3 Lucky Lindy and semirares, for an additional 3 data points. He normally drinks 6 "perfect" drinks for about 129 turngen, so if he gets (129 - 54) = 75 fewer tomorrow, that means his Meat farming yield will be diminished by about 320,000.

For spading!

(No big deal)
Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge
You gain 30 Adventures
You acquire an intrinsic: Lucky!
You gain 6 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-6)
You lose 500 Meat

Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge
You gain 24 Adventures
You acquire an intrinsic: Lucky!
You gain 6 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-6)
You lose 500 Meat

Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge
You gain 24 Adventures
You acquire an intrinsic: Lucky!
You gain 6 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-6)
You lose 500 Meat

You got 16, 20 without ode
You got 22, 24, 25 with ode = 16, 18, 19
I got 30, 24, 24 with ode in The Blender (+5 from booze, once per day) = 19, 18, 18

I will accept 16-20 as the adventure range.