Bug - Waiting for Info Lucky Entryway in SC Beecore with clover protection buys a TON of clovers


Active member
If you try to use mafia's lucky entryway solver in softcore beecore with clover and closet protection on, it will keep buying clovers from the mall, closetting them, realizing it doesn't have access to a clover, and buying another. Here's a bit of the session log, until I noticed:
Combine 1 fishtank + 1 fish hose
You acquire an item: hosed tank

Combine 1 hosed tank + 1 fishbowl
You acquire an item: makeshift SCUBA gear

trading 1 worthless item for 1 ten-leaf clover
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1449 each from 2123182 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1450 each from 932367 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1480 each from 2231708 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1494 each from 499254 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1494 each from 2296315 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1500 each from 2246863 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1500 each from 2125877 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1500 each from 2243512 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1500 each from 2103453 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover

buy 1 ten-leaf clover for 1500 each from 2029333 on 20120216
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

add to closet: 1 ten-leaf clover
I finished it off by manually completing the skeleton key, but... probably not intentional behaviour. Possibly when mafia has a known goal to immediately use the clover it's acquiring, it should avoid the additional server hits of protection? Because even if it's just disassembling it in a normal SC run, that's 2 extra server hits on an item it's going to be using in a quarter second.


Staff member
People still do BHY runs? I'm sorry you wasted all those resource buying clovers. I'll be happy to make you whole by buying all your excess clovers for, oh, 1,000 Meat each? :)

This might be related to this bug report.

Or, perhaps not. Perhaps the easiest solution is to disable clover protection when "acquiring" a clover for the Sorceress entryway quest.

Or, perhaps it is related to this bug report in which I suggest that when you explicitly "acquire" a ten-leaf clover, we ignore clover protection. Doing that would also cover this case - and,perhaps, allow me to close all three bug reports.


Active member
Heh. Only did the BHY for the crow, and so I should hopefully be done with BHY for foreseeable future. We'll see though. And I'll use the clovers eventually... I wasn't trying to whine for "OMG!!! MAFIA STOLDED MAI M..." eh, that's too annoying to write, much less have people read.

I'm mostly just trying to avoid the wasted server hits that come out of failed acquisition. Just wanted to say that, whether there's a specific avoidance for the entryway or if the InventoryManager.retrieveItem gets changed, something to reduce the hits would be awesome. :)