lost a couple million due to my lack of testing :(


New member
ok i wrote a script to send all my battlefield swag to wadbot for smashing and mafia took it upon itself to write this in it:
"Keep the contents of this message top-sekrit, ultra hush-hush."

so wadbot saw "keep" and so he did

i love mafia, and it makes my kol life so much better...but can we please have mafia not put random stuff in messages i send people? or can i fix this by putting a message in there myself? is there a way to script putting a message in a kmail

i messaged wadbot's operator...maybe he will give them back, probably not though

just a warning in case anyone else tries something like this
Re: lost a couple million do to mafia messaging system :(

send * twinkly nugget to wadbot || "My message here!"

you might be able to do something like

send * twinkly nugget to wadbot || ""
Always test in an environment where losses can be minimized. Test with small amounts before testing with large amounts.

If I were doing this I would have tested to a multi to see the output, then tested with single items to wadbot before opening it up to "all my battlefield swag".

Mafia has powerful abilities and scripting opens up even greater abilities. While I'm sorry for your loss, I don't think that mafia should have to necessarily change because you had a bad outcome brought on by lack of testing on your part. I'm very suprised to see you put all the blame on Mafia in your topic name. While I understand your frustration, Mafia isn't at fault here any more than the hammer is at fault for bent nails. I have changed the topic name to reflect this.

Thanks for the warning and I hope that Wadbot can see it in his/her heart to give you back your wads.
[quote author=dangerpin link=topic=1868.msg8791#msg8791 date=1219589426]
Always test in an environment where losses can be minimized. Test with small amounts before testing with large amounts.

If I were doing this I would have tested to a multi to see the output, then tested with single items to wadbot before opening it up to "all my battlefield swag".

Mafia has powerful abilities and scripting opens up even greater abilities. While I'm sorry for your loss, I don't think that mafia should have to necessarily change because you had a bad outcome brought on by lack of testing on your part. I'm very suprised to see you put all the blame on Mafia in your topic name. While I understand your frustration, Mafia isn't at fault here any more than the hammer is at fault for bent nails. I have changed the topic name to reflect this.

Thanks for the warning and I hope that Wadbot can see it in his/her heart to give you back your wads.

i did test, i tested "send -1 _____ to wadbot" to make sure that it sent all but 1 of that item to wadbot and it worked...there was only 1 of an item left in my inventory (i tried it on something i had like 3 of so i wouldnt loose alot if it didnt work); i tested how to refresh my inventory so i could send any powders/nuggets i got back to wadbot for malusing, i did not think that mafia would add a message to my kmail that would make wadbot keep my stuff, so i saw no need to test that.

i dont even remember what the subject was but i dont think that all the blame rests on me either...what is the point of mafia putting a body into a kmail? to let someone know you are using mafia?

i do test commands before putting them into a running them, but i dont know how i was supposed to think that mafia may put a message into my kmail that will cause wadbot to think im sending it donations?