Looking for help making a script for wadbotting castle items.

Aighty. Ran into issues with canadv when it came to the bugbear section, but I commented those lines and everything works awesomely now.

Changed the script up a bit. Bounty & semi-rares. All going.

If I need anything else, I'll probably post another thread.
Mmmmh. One error I've ignored. Familiars. How would I set the best familiar for meat farming or something?

You can set it explicitly before your maximize or tell maximize to switch to a chosen familiar only if it is better than the current familiar.
YOu can add a ", switch <name of familiar>" to the maximizer call to make mafia choose that familiar if it will give you a benefit compared to the one you have now or use "use_familiar($familiar[<familiar name>]); to set one you want. For example.
If you want to make it go crazy, try something like:
alias familiarmax => ashq string maxfams; foreach fam in $familiars[] if (have_familiar(fam)) maxfams += (", switch "+fam); maximize("%%"+maxfams, false);
Should check all your familiars against whatever string you wanted... :)
And Bale, do you ever sleep? You always reply to things ninja fast

No I don't. I only reply ninja fast when I'm both awake and aware. Which apparently ended some time after my previous post, but before your response. And judging by the usefulness of that post, I was already past my shelf-life at that time.
Is there something like this?

use_familiar(best_fam("meat drop"));

I think something like that would be best if the script is used for multiple accounts.

And raze, I have no comprehension of anything you said e.e
Yes/no. You could do this:
ashq import <zlib.ash> use_familiar(best_fam("meat"));
but that just uses the bestfamiliars.txt data file to decide which familiar best fits the category requested... results may vary depending on how nifty your familiars are and how the almost completely arbitrary ranking of familiars has been set in the file. :) In some cases, it's obvious, but others, it's... complicated.