LinknoidBarf and LinknoidMine

"I'm not sure the best way to download them."

The best way would for you to provide the necessary info to let them be available via KoLmafia's Script Manager.
I ran a fresh install of LinknoidBarf with turns to buff/execute set to 380 and the familiar set to my robortender. A couple of notes.
  • The script did not purchase/craft robortender drinks so I had to do so manually
  • The script spent meat to restore MP for the initial buffing despite the fact that I recovered MP from adventuring
  • The script only utilized 15/16 stomach, 16/19 liver, and 14/15 spleen
  • The script netted me around 1.76M meat as opposed to my usual 1.5M from lazy volcano mining
Any idea why the script did not utilize all my organ capacity?
Was the 16 max fullness because of pantsgiving, or a distension pill, or some other source?
I have pantsgiving, so I assumed that that was where the extra fullness came from. I can keep a closer eye on it when it runs again.

Did it generate enough turns of "Synthesis: Greed" to fill 380 turns? Did it run out of candy?
Yes to the former, it did fill to 380 turns.

I was under the impression that the script filled your organs in a manner that resulted in the most meat (taking into account +meat effects, cost of food, adventures given, etc). Is this not the case? Will it eat the Thanksgarden food even if it isn't cost effective?
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