Bug - Not A Bug KoLmafia won't launch with Java 7


New member
I just upgraded to Java 7 this morning and now KoLmafia won't launch. I get the sign in and it displays info up to "Session data refreshed" then it goes away and... nothing. I've tried the latest daily build as well as the latest .exe build. Tried both running from the command line and double-clicking the jar.

However, when I explicitly use Java from JDK 1.6 it works.

[Edit]Added debug log[/Edit]
View attachment DEBUG_20110729.txt
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I experienced the exact same behavior today. For me it also works fine again if I explicitly use JRE 6 instead of JRE 7.
It's probably an incompatibility with OpenJDK in general, since that's what Java 7 uses for a base. Can't say it's too surprising...
It's probably an incompatibility with OpenJDK in general, since that's what Java 7 uses for a base. Can't say it's too surprising...

I have the same thing, it doesn't actually crash though running from cmd, leave the java process hanging with no debug output, the last thing to happen before it hangs is:

[Loaded net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.MallSearchFrame$MallSearchPanel from file:/C:/Dropbox/KoLMafia/KoLmafia-9656.jar]
[Loaded net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.MallSearchFrame$SearchResultsPanel from file:/C:/Dropbox/KoLMafia/KoLmafia-9656.jar]
[Loaded net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.MallSearchFrame$SearchResultsPanel$PurchaseSelectListener from file:/C:/Dropbox/KoLMafia/KoLmafia-9

no idea if this helps.
I tried it briefly several months back, but when it didn't work, went back to Java 6... I'm thinking it's more likely to be a Java 7 bug than a mafia bug. Since Java 7 isn't released yet. Unless something changed on their "check for Java" page?
Java 7 has been released two days ago. At least official oracle download pages have java 7 now and had it yesterday when I checked.

Now, from my point (two minutes with a debugger), it looks like mafia maybe actually works (Thread-1 shows being in KoLDesktop$MemoryUsageMonitor, session log has the standard preamble written up in it), except the window doesn't display.
While it would be nice to know that mafia does work with Java 1.7 it should be noted that officially it is targeted for 1.4, at least until this FR is updated or acted upon.
Bug - KoLmafia logs in and window immediately disappears.

Managed to enable debug.log before it disappeared on me. File is attached below.


Marked this "not a bug" because it's not a KoLmafia bug even though it is a java bug.

It's not OUR bug.

Edit: The same is true of another thread. Time to merge!
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Has anyone tried using 1.7 and disabling the offending hotspot optimization?

CLI flag:
I tried that and java (freshly downloaded java 7 SDK) told me it doesn't know the UseLoopPredicate JVM option.
Which is irrelevant anyway, since no JVM optimalizations happen when java is in interpretter mode (-Xint), and the main window still doesn't appear even when I use that.
Could someone give me a primer on how to move to Java 6 from Java 7, which is apparently what I have installed?