Just the syntax please


New member
Right then. I've tried using the tutorials, resources and tools available to me and I've failed miserably.
My project? Trying to automate a logout script using an .ASH file. I have the idea and the things it has to do. What I'm lacking are the correct words to make it run right.
If someone can just tell me the right words to use I can kludge my horrible thing together.

If it helps this is the only command I've been able to even get to work.

use( 2, $item[sleaze wad] );

In short use 2 sleaze wads. Hopefully this tells you what works on my machine.

So the commands I'd like to know are the following.
Max cast a skill like summon party favor.
Maximize a stat by using only equipment.
Smith items
Pulverize equipment
Equip a certain item and familiar and go to mom's for cereal.
That's pretty much it. I'm guessing if someone can link me to a daily deeds command list to finish it off would be nice.

I know this seems like a simple chore but I've honestly been trying this out on my own and failing.

Thank you for your time.
Q. Max cast a skill like summon party favor.
A. cli_execute("cast * summon party favor");

Q. Maximize a stat by using only equipment.
A. maximize("moxie", false);

Q. Smith items
A. create(1, $item[Meat Tenderizer is Murder]);

A. Pulverize equipment
A. cli_execute("pulverize * black helmet");

Q. Equip a certain item and familiar and go to mom's for cereal.
A. equip($item[Mer-kin gladiator mask]); use_familiar($familiar[Grouper Groupie]); visit_url("whatever the link might be");

Q. That's pretty much it. I'm guessing if someone can link me to a daily deeds command list to finish it off would be nice.
A. http://wiki.kolmafia.us/index.php?title=Daily_Deeds
Thanks. Got most of it down. However a few points seem to elude me.

When I asked about the daily deeds I meant what commands do I have to do to access them? Like ballpit or lulz the skater.
Or those with multiple choices like mom and then cereal? Or the pool and one of the options.

As for mom I honestly am not sure how to find the url for her... I'd have to use vanilla kol without kolmafia?

Finally I seem to be flubbing the rest command for .ash files. What's the right command for that?
You do not access daily deeds by command. You click on them in the daily deeds panel. I'm not sure how to answer those questions. Perhaps if you posed a very specific question by telling me an actual example of what you actually want to accomplish. (Please don't tell me the way you intend to accomplish it, that's my job, but do tell me why you want to do it.)

As for mom I honestly am not sure how to find the url for her... I'd have to use vanilla kol without kolmafia?

You can find it in the relay browser. It's in the html for the web page. I haven't rescued mom so I don't have any access to it myself.

There is no ash rest command. Use cli_execute("rest");

I'd suggest you use the ashref and help commands. They can help you search for any ash or cli command (respectively) so that you don't have to ask for them. Just type them in the CLI along with a search term.

> help rest

*brewery*[?] [ daily special | item ] - show daily special [or consume it or other restaurant item].
camp* rest | etc. [numTimes] - perform campground actions.
checkpoint [clear] - remembers [or forgets] current equipment, use "outfit checkpoint" to restore.
galaktik (hp|mp) [amount] - restore some or all hp or mp
mpitems - counts MP restoratives in inventory.
nuns [mp] - visit the Nunnery for restoration [but only if MP is restored].
outfit [list filter] | save name | checkpoint | name - list, save, restore, or change outfits.
rest => campground rest
restaurant[?] [ daily special | item ] - show daily special [or consume it or other restaurant item].
restore* hp | health | mp | mana | both - attempt to regain some HP or MP.
restores - List details of restores.
sleep number - rest on your clan sofa for number turns.
sofa number - rest on your clan sofa for number turns.
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Also, another important note: while ashref gives you the syntax (function names and the types of arguments they take), for more detailed info, you're probably best browsing the ASH wiki at http://wiki.kolmafia.us (also, the "wiki" link at the top of these forums) for what the parameters correspond to and some examples.

(a shortcut for accessing this from the CLI: ashwiki functionname. So if, for instance, you wanted to see how the heck item_drops_array worked, you'd use "ashwiki get_related")
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The URL for getting Cereal Killer is:

You need to be able to breathe underwater to get it
Okay thank you all. I guess I should qualify my question a little better.

I know that there is an option to click on an item in my daily deeds area to execute that item. My original question was how to put that in a command so I don't have to manually do it. After some experimentation I figured out how to do most of them.
IE cli_execute("ballpit"); for ballpit and cli_execute("telescope high"); to look through my telescope for the buff and ect.

The only one that currently elude me is to get the the chibi chat buff.

That said thank you all once again.
First of all, skip the cli_execute() if you are creating a daily deed because it only accepts CLI commands, unless you prefix the line with ashq.
First of all, skip the cli_execute() if you are creating a daily deed because it only accepts CLI commands, unless you prefix the line with ashq.

Since the tjread stated on a discussion on how ro make a logout script I'd assume that he wants to execute the commands from the daily deeds in the script a then a cli_execute is perfectly correct.
So minor update with some more questions.

Trying my hand at a meat farming script. So how would you use a psycho jar on the meat smith?
Also trying to get the hatter buff for + meat. Is there an easy command for that? Because I've tried the hatter ash file but its throwing an error for me. "No match attempted or previous match failed (hatter.ash, line 53)".

Still looking to chibi chat within the .ash file itself for the buffs.
Finally I guess is there an easy way to get one of the talk buffs with the Grim Brother.

Thanks again people.
RE: Psycho jar, I use visit_url to fill my jars. These are the ash commands I use. You should be able to work out which is which. Hint: the meat smith is the last one.

Also trying to get the hatter buff for + meat. Is there an easy command for that? Because I've tried the hatter ash file but its throwing an error for me. "No match attempted or previous match failed (hatter.ash, line 53)".

How are you calling hatter.ash when you get that error? Specifically, what command or code are you using?
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Hrm... This is the page I yanked it from.


cli_execute("call hatter.ash meat");

Is the one I've tried recently. However I've used all the ones listed in test trials. No good.
That said I should be able to call on another ash file in my current file if I do the following? Because it doesn't seem to work.
import<filename.ash> outside the main and inside the main its cli_execute("call filename.ash"); ?