New Content Journeyman path


Staff member
New Path "Journeyman"

  1. Add Path info to (can anyone confirm this is path #45?)
  2. Add item: The Big Book of Every Skill
  3. Add item: Thwaitgold ????? statuette
  4. record when we gain a skill while adventuring
  5. other stuff?
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If somebody has already permed every skill, hardcore, is there any reason to try this, considering that the path reward is useless? Speaking for a friend, who never, ever competes for leaderboards. (And never did a Class Act 2 or Community Service or Quantum Terrarium run.)

That said, we do need to support everything ypu mentioned.
If somebody has already permed every skill, hardcore, is there any reason to try this, considering that the path reward is useless? Speaking for a friend, who never, ever competes for leaderboards. (And never did a Class Act 2 or Community Service or Quantum Terrarium run.)

That said, we do need to support everything ypu mentioned.

According to the ASS Discord it does nothing if you've permed every guild skill.
It would be nice to have the big book of every skill to be used as part of breakfast

That could be trivially done by a user who wants it once there item is defined and there is a daily preference that tells whether it has been used or not.
I can confirm Journeyman is Path 45.

And just in case it helps any of my fellow scripters, I've added a map of skills to the Map Manager for this path, which I am accessing from various scripts in my scriptcosm. It's a skill[class, location, int] map, indexed by class, location, and order (1-6). There are still a few skills yet to be spaded but I expect they'll be added soon.

You can download it from the above link or use the latest version in your script using ZLib's load_current_map("journeymanskills", yourmapvar).

If it saves anyone else hours of data entry I'll feel better about the time I spent on it. :)
And just in case it helps any of my fellow scripters, I've added a map of skills to the Map Manager for this path, which I am accessing from various scripts in my scriptcosm. It's a skill[class, location, int] map, indexed by class, location, and order (1-6). There are still a few skills yet to be spaded but I expect they'll be added soon.
Well done!

(If this were a path I was personally interested in doing repeatedly - or even once - I'd consider building it in to KoLmafia's support for this path (much as I did with absorptions for Grey You - although I made those available via gCLI command, not as a file in "data", and hence, scripts).
Also to do: record when we gain a skill while adventuring
Here is some sample html:
<centeR><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Adventure Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><b>A Journeyman's Delight</b><br><img src="/images/adventureimages/cigarbox.gif" width=100 height=100></center><p><blockquote>You find a skill hidden in an old cigar box.<table><tr><td valign=center>You acquire a skill:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><img src="/images/itemimages/string.gif" onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=3010&self=true","skill", 350, 300)' width=30 height=30></td><td><b><a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=3010&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Leash of Linguini</a></b></td></tr></table></blockquote><p><Center><p><a href="adventure.php?snarfblat=101">Adventure Again (The Knob Shaft)</a><p><a href="cobbsknob.php?level=2">Go back to Cobb's Knob Laboratories</a></center></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></centeR>
If it saves anyone else hours of data entry I'll feel better about the time I spent on it. :)
I'm planning on doing a Journeyman run.

There are 30 locations and 6 skills you can learn in each - 180 class skills total.
180 skills * 6 classes = 1080 data points. You have them all.
If you could get them all, you'd have to spend 24 turns in 30 locations you'd normally not go to - 720 turns.
Except there are 2 Canadia locations, 1 Gnome location, and 1 Knoll location (which you will almost certainly not get to in HC).

You don't need all the skills.

Your ordering - class -> location -> index -> skill - makes it easy to determine which locations are impossible or important, and how many turns you will need for the skills you want.

I took your map and wrote a little script which generates files in different order.

For example, class -> skill -> location -> index and skill -> class -> location -> index. Either of those - especially if I can sort the skill by rather than - are also useful ways to look at the data.

I am considering doing something like I did for Grey You absorptions: making a command which will let you see what skills are available where given your current class, sortable in various ways.

I would need a 1080 entry data file for that. Like yours. Or one of the ones my script can generate, indexed and sorted in other ways.
Do I have your permission to start with your map, backed by YOUR hours of data entry?
It's a skill[class, location, int] map, indexed by class, location, and order (1-6). There are still a few skills yet to be spaded but I expect they'll be added soon.
A couple of errors:

 Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    1    [2036]Pizza Lover
 Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    2    [3029]Bind Vermincelli
-Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    3    [1017]Double-Fisted Skull Smashing
-Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    4    [3003]Ravioli Shurikens
+Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    3    [4015]Impetuous Sauciness
+Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    4    [1017]Double-Fisted Skull Smashing
 Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    5    [6011]The Psalm of Pointiness
 Turtle Tamer    Barrrney's Barrr    6    [6013]Stevedave's Shanty of Superiority
I imported zarqon's file into KoLmafia as journeyman.txt, using the 1080 data points to initialize a couple of maps (with extensive data checking, which is how I learned that two different locations wanted to give Turtle Tamers the Ravioli Shurikens skill.)

I have written a "journey" CLI command. It has two options:

journey find SKILL
journey zones

Those are commands specifically for in-run usage. If you are not a Journeyman - or want to look at other classes), you can do

journey find CLASS SKILL
journey zones CLASS

Where class is SC, TT, PA, SA, DB, AT.

Here are some examples:

> journey find booga booga

I don't know a skill named "booga booga"

> journey find pulverize

You can learn "Pulverize" after 4 turns in Cobb's Knob Laboratory.

> journey find springy fusilli

You can learn "Springy Fusilli" after 8 turns in The VERY Unquiet Garves (which is not currently accessible to you).

> journey find advanced sauce

You already learned "Advanced Saucecrafting" after 12 turns in The Valley of Rof L'm Fao.

> journey find sing

The "Sing" skill is not available to Journeymen.

> journey find SA saucegeyser

Journeymen Saucerors can learn "Saucegeyser" after 16 turns in Cobb's Knob Laboratory.

> journey find all saucegeyser

Journeymen Seal Clubbers can learn "Saucegeyser" after 24 turns in The Obligatory Pirate's Cove.
Journeymen Turtle Tamers can learn "Saucegeyser" after 16 turns in Infernal Rackets Backstage.
Journeymen Pastamancers can learn "Saucegeyser" after 16 turns in The Haiku Dungeon.
Journeymen Saucerors can learn "Saucegeyser" after 16 turns in Cobb's Knob Laboratory.
Journeymen Disco Bandits can learn "Saucegeyser" after 8 turns in The Dire Warren.
Journeymen Accordion Thiefs can learn "Saucegeyser" after 12 turns in Cobb's Knob Menagerie, Level 1.

I'm three days into a lazy HC Journeyman run. I've started the Island War and am flyering things - but I haven't even set foot in the Cyrpt nor climbed the beanstalk yet. I have defeated Lord Spookyraven and opened the Hidden City and finished with the Peaks - and have done a fair number of optional things, some of which gained me skills - like the Tower ruins. I also did the whole Nemesis quest, up to confronting the Demon Somerset Lopez - until I realized that there was no way for me to learn Sing. Oops. :)

As I said, lazy and fun. I don't "compete" on challenge paths.

Let's see if I can paste in the output of "journey zones".
No, not really. Copying a table from the gCLI does NOT give me a good result in the forum.
But it makes a 62-line table like this:

   zone  | Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 |
         | Skill 4 | Skill 5 | Skill 6 |
  loc 1  |  name   |  name   |  name   |
         |  name   |  name   |  name   |
  loc 2  |  name   |  name   |  name   |
         |  name   |  name   |  name   |
  loc 30 |  name   |  name   |  name   |
         |  name   |  name   |  name   |

Done in run, looking at "your" skills:

- Eliminates locations you will never be able to get to: Canadia and Thugnderdome if you are in a Knoll sign
- Strikes through zone names you haven't opened yet.
- Strikes through skill names you already learned.

"journey zones" and "journey find" are everything I've wished I had, so far.

The PR is open for review. I'll announce when it is merged.

Now, back to do day 4 of the run...
r26496 has the "journey find" and "journey zones" command.

And by the way, the classes you can specify are SC, TT, PM, S, DB, and AT, which code review pointed out are the "standard" abbreviations people know and love. :)
The journey find and zones commands are a huge help. Thank you.

I don't know whether there is any point in fixing, since it's cosmetic, this but thought that I'd mention it.

I had a June Cleaver non-combat occur on the same turn that a skill was due in a zone. I never saw the skill non-combat but the skill did appear on my character sheet. Continued adventuring in the zone yielded the skill that was next in sequence for that zone.

The zones command didn't pick up the fact that the character knew the skill, even though I'd looked at the character sheet until I used the "journey find <skill name>" command.

Edit: After another occurrence the zones command did pick up the fact that the skill was on the character sheet, after looking at it, without using the "find" command.
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I had a June Cleaver non-combat occur on the same turn that a skill was due in a zone. I never saw the skill non-combat but the skill did appear on my character sheet. Continued adventuring in the zone yielded the skill that was next in sequence for that zone.
This is a KoL bug not a mafia one. It seems to happen regularly as it was a problem with turtle taming and LKS keys when LKS was the current challenge path.

Bug report it in KoL.