Feature - Implemented Items placed in flea market are not tracked as removed from inventory


Noticed that some items I'd placed into the flea market were not removed from mafia's inventory, aka tourguide claimed I still had three clovers on me.

To test, I did a quick

js itemAmount(Item.get("11-leaf clover"))

Returned:    3

This is minor, would put it aside but I know I'd never remember it. Who even uses flea market?
How did you place them in the Flea Market?

My vague recollection is that mafia never supported the Flea Market (and that is supported by a string search on the codebase). Thus there is no detection of items coming or going. Manual inventory refreshes are probably the best option unless this is a Feature Request to support the Flea Market.
How did you place them in the Flea Market?

My vague recollection is that mafia never supported the Flea Market (and that is supported by a string search on the codebase). Thus there is no detection of items coming or going. Manual inventory refreshes are probably the best option unless this is a Feature Request to support the Flea Market.
I think there's a relay browser, he probably used that
Twas being jokey. But yeah

I have a reputation on other fora for being humorless. Somehow if I think there is a joke and there isn't I get into more trouble than if I just ignore the joke.

That said, Flea Market support would be an interesting project for someone with time on their hands.