Bug Item Manager creating multiple digital keys

In the relay browser, if I visit the Crackpot Mystic, I have 410 white pixels. However, he doesn't show that I can make a digital key.

When I go into the "creatable" section of kolmafia it says I can make 2 digital keys. I don't know where it gets that number from, because the wiki says a digital key is 30 white pixels, and I have 410 on hand.

The wiki does not mention any restrictions to making extra digital keys (it even has a plural for them listed!) but I seem to be unable to have more than one in my inventory at a time.

If I try via kolmafia, instead of visiting the mystic, I get this if I have one in inventory:

Verifying ingredients...
Verifying ingredients for digital key (1)...
Creating 1 digital key...
Mystic shopping was unsuccessful.

But, if I turn that key into a digital key lime, I can then make another, but if I try to make another key after that, it fails:

Creating digital key lime (1)...
You acquire an item: digital key lime
Successfully created digital key lime (1)
Verifying ingredients...
Verifying ingredients for digital key (1)...
Creating 1 digital key...
You acquire an item: digital key
Successfully created digital key (1)
Verifying ingredients...
Verifying ingredients for digital key (1)...
Creating 1 digital key...
Mystic shopping was unsuccessful.

So maybe someone could fix the inventory manager, so if I tell it "create 10 digital key limes" it creates a digital key (if needed) and then a digital key lime, then repeats until I have whatever I asked for.

Another option would be to tell the item manager that you can't have more than one digital key at a time and so it takes that into consideration and only shows that I can make 1 digital key lime at a time. That would be slightly confusing though if I'm trying to use up my white pixels.

So, the issue is that KoL itself will not let you have more than one digital key in inventory? Fascinating. As you point out, the Wiki says nothing about this.

The digital key might be the only "quest item" which is a concoction. If there are others, perhaps they have a similar issue.

We should, presumably, mark the digital key as being un-creatable if you already have one in inventory. That would probably not be hard.

The other thing is that the only reason you might possible want to have multiple digital keys is if you intend to craft them into digital key limes, since, if you don't do that, you lose them on ascension. A digital key lime is made by cooking - and for that creation method, we simply attempt to "acquire" all the ingredients up front, if you want more than one. We do not have any code for cooking things one at a time to keep in inventory. We do have "sequential consumption" for drinking TPS drinks or eating Boris/Jarlsberg/Sneaky Peter key lime pies, where you make one item and then eat or drink it, thereby reclaiming one of the ingredients, but nothing like what would be needed for making and keeping multiple digital key limes.
I am quite certain you can never get more than one of each of the three Boss Drops that make up the Staff of Ed.
Can you ever get more than 2 gaudy keys? I.e., is it really possible to make more than 1 Talisman o'nam?
Richard's Star Key would be another, but I just checked and you can have multiple copies of it. That's weird you can't have multiple digital keys.
I am quite certain you can never get more than one of each of the three Boss Drops that make up the Staff of Ed.
Can you ever get more than 2 gaudy keys? I.e., is it really possible to make more than 1 Talisman o'nam?

I know that you can get more than 2 gaudy keys. (They only stop dropping after you create the talisman.) However you can only get 2 snakehead charrrms so it is impossible to make a second talisman.
I know that you can get more than 2 gaudy keys. (They only stop dropping after you create the talisman.) However you can only get 2 snakehead charrrms so it is impossible to make a second talisman.

I believe that is true in the present but I have two Talisman's in inventory on one character. I believe it was because I had completed the quest once, not ascended, and then KoL revamped the quest and allowed me to complete it again.
They were also multi-createable and possibly even tradeable in the past, since Palindome was not part of a quest until mid '07.
They were tradable a very long time ago before quest items existed, they were also never removed from clan stashes, so if your clan still has them it's possible to completely skip the pirate quest (don't do this).
Mystic Shop Buying Digital Keys

It seems you can no longer have multiple digital keys. Owning 1 digital key makes the option to purchase additional ones to disappear. This becomes a problem if you try to "acquire" or "craft" multiple digital key lime pies as it will attempt to buy X amount of keys at once, and then turn them into pies, which is now impossible. Instead, it needs to acquire a key, turn it into a lime/pie, and then acquire another key for however many key limes / key lime pies one requests.
Creation of multiple digital key limes fails

Only one digital key can be bought (possibly a store change), so creating multiple digital key limes fails when it tries to buy 5 digital keys first.

> make 5 digital key lime

Verifying     ingredients for digital key lime (5)...
Verifying ingredients for     digital key (5)...
Creating 5 digital key...
You acquire an item:     digital key
Successfully created digital key (1)
Mystic     shopping was unsuccessful.
Looks like I added a check to NPCStoreDatabase a while back to not allow purchasing a digital key if you already have one. That code is doing nothing, apparently. That check would need to go in Concoction stuff somewhere, but I'm not sure where would make sense.

That would still result in "make 5 digital key lime" only making 1 of them though. Special code would be needed just for digital key lime crafting.

There's at least one older thread somewhere that can be merged with this.
You can't multi-create digital keys

The game will let you request e.g. 20 digital keys from the crackpot, but it will only make 1 (apparently you can only have 1 in inventory).

If I tell mafia to make 20 digital key lime pies (with no digital key in inventory), mafia will try to make all the keys first, and fail. It'll also remove 20 keys worth of white pixels from its inventory count, even though only one key was made.

Same command with a key in inventory already, it decides to make 19 keys, and fails before talking to the mystic, because it knows about the restriction.

[edit] OK, this is a longstanding issue, but something should be done. At the least, mafia shouldn't try to multi-create keys. I tried to work around the bug by doing something like "make digital key lime pie" and then "repeat 19" - which should work - but the inventory issue meant that mafia started creating white pixels wholesale from red + blue + green pixels.
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