Issues (Bugs?) using KOLmafia


New member
Hi All, I am fairly new to KOLmafia (Really brilliant program) and have started to write some scripts to save me spending hours in front of the computer farming.

Anyways.. I came up with these issues:

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[li]When I request Cantata from IocaineBot 19 meat for 200 turns, it seems to send 332 meat and give it to me for 300 turns??? This happens weather I do it from the Purchase Buff Panel, CLI or via ash script.[/li]
[li]Each day I am using script to request Brother Smother's Blessing using cli_execute("friars blessing booze"); This works fine, but when I try to confirm if I have it via: have_effect($effect[Brother Smother's Blessing]); it returns false?[/li]
[li]Lastly, will there be any chance of getting support for WadBot? I tried to send items to it via csend or send but it gets confused because of that "secret" message which seems to be appended to mail via mafia.[/li]
I think I can address the first one. It was decided that the generosity of the buffbots were getting abused as higher level characters that were no longer in Ronin were constantly requesting the "free buffs" daily instead of using the larger buff requests that they could easily afford. It was also generating a lot more server traffic as they were doing it every day instead of once a week or once a month.

The creators of Mafia wanted to make sure that it would not be the cause of buffbots ceasing to support mafia, or going out of business all together. In an effort to do this, it will revert to the non-philanthropic buff prices in certain situations.
2. have_effect() will never return false. It returns an int, the number of turns you have remaining of that effect. Second, I think the correct spelling of the effect is Smothers's...?

3. To send kmail with a specific message, do something like this:

send 11 bat wing, 11 batblade to zarqon||Hey d00d have some bats!

Note the || (two pipe characters) separating the command from the message.
Thanks for the help guys!

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[li]Am happy to get pay the slightly greater amount, the bots do a great job![/li]
[li]it turns out the effect name was [Smothers's Blessing][/li]
[li]The double pipe worked a treat![/li]