Bug - Fixed Issue with Hard Drinker in recent Daily Builds


New member
Since updating to the current daily build yesterday, the Avatar of Sneaky Pete skill "Hard Drinker" has not been registering properly.
Mafia now believes me to have only 25 max drunkenness, despite me being above it and adventuring fine. Also, when I type "Skills" into the CLI, it also lists the Cow Puncher version of the skill (see image).
I updated again today, and the problem persists.

Thank you.
I'm going to guess this is another manifestation of the skill parsing being worked on here.

Could you save the html of your charsheet and post?

In most browsers you can save a page locally. That usually crates a text file and possibly a subdirectory. The text file is what is needed.
Sorry, I'm having a bit of trouble with that. The file I'm getting is .html, and the forums aren't letting me post that.
@discdeath Sorry, but you posted the source code of the main page, not the charsheet. If you're using Chrome, you'll have to right-click on the character sheet and select "View Frame Source". Then copy-n-paste the source to Notepad and save it as a text file.

If done properly, the source code should start with something like this:

<script language=Javascript>
if (parent.frames.length == 0) location.href="game.php";
var actions = { "sendmessage.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Send Message", "arg" : "toid" }, "makeoffer.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Propose Trade", "arg" : "towho" }, "displaycollection.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Display Case", "arg" : "who" }, "showfamiliars.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "View Familiars", "arg" : "who" }, "ascensionhistory.php" : { "action" : 1, "title" : "Ascension History", "arg" : "back=other&who" }, "showclan.php" : {"action":1, "title":"View Clan","arg":"pidlookup"}, "/whois" : { "action" : 2, "useid" : true, "submit" : true}, "/msg" : { "action" : 3, "useid" : true, "query" : "Enter message to send to %:" }, "/friend" : { "action" : 2, "useid" : true, "submit" : true }, "/ignore" : { "action" : 2, "useid" : true, "submit" : true } }
var notchat = true;//-->

Edit: Also, while you're at it, could you please run this line in KoLmafia's gCLI and post its output as well?
ash print('KoLmafia r' + get_revision()); foreach sk in $skills[] if (have_skill(sk)) print(`{to_int(sk)} => {sk}`);
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