Bug - Not A Bug Issue with black market map, tiny plastic wardrobe and wotsp 100% run


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Using r9274 via the automatic updater:

Occurred during an attempted sc wotsp 100% holiday log run with the Tiny costume wardrobe equipped.

After obtaining the broken wings I attempted to use the "map" button provided by kolmafia to open up the black market, this did not work so I manually pasted the black bird and used the "fly, fly, fly" button provided (not sure if this is via kolmafia or a random gm script), this worked but instead of replacing my familiar with the holiday log I ended up with my slimeling active. I believe that my holiday log may have been dressed as a slimeling by the wardrobe in my last combat in the woods but I cannot be sure (and can't find that information in my log), I noticed that the slimeling was active while fighting against wu tang in the black market immediately after using the map.

Things worth noting: the slimeling is the top used familiar in my terrarium and is at the top of my favorite familiars listed, while the holiday log was not favorited. Up to that point the holiday log had been used for all turns. During this run I noticed that the talisman o'nam had not been automatically pasted upon using two gaudy keys. I updated firefox to version 6 yesterday (the error occurred today), in the graphical CLI it stated "error" but I hadn't taken note of what it said because I took a little break from kol due to frustration.

I believe the problem possibly lies in how the familiar the wardrobe dresses your current familiar up as is stored, I don't know what variable is used but maybe "slimeling" was stored as my active familiar due to the wardrobe dressing my log up as one. Or possibly the error I encountered while trying to use the map is unrelated to the wardrobe and the slimeling was given preference as my active familiar due to it's position in my terrarium. I'm using the account "anitert" in game, I've attached the log and debug printout, please let me know if there is any other info I can provide.

This is the only issue I've ever had with kolmafia and I honestly should have been paying more attention to what I was doing (maybe using the gm script which locks the familiar in place with a password), thanks for any help and a big thanks for keeping kolmafia running, it is amazing.

This is what is in the session.txt file during that two turn period:

[552] Black Forest
Encounter: black panther
You lose 17 hit points
You lose 17 hit points
Round 4: anitert wins the fight!
Your familiar gains a pound: Ton, the 20 lb. Holiday Log
You gain 9 Meat
You acquire an item: broken wings
You gain 12 Muscleboundness
You gain 12 Magicalness
You gain 29 Cheek

cast 5 Summon Love Song
You acquire an item: love song of icy revenge
You acquire an item: love song of sugary cuteness
You acquire an item: love song of smoldering passion
You acquire an item: love song of naughty innuendo
You acquire an item: love song of naughty innuendo

Visiting Doc Galaktik

Restore 1 MP at Doc Galaktik's
You gain 1 Mojo Point
You spent 17 Meat

Combine 1 broken wings + 1 sunken eyes
You acquire an item: reassembled blackbird

use 1 reassembled blackbird

familiar Reassembled Blackbird (6 lbs)

Unequip Holiday Log

Equip Reassembled Blackbird with tiny costume wardrobe

use 1 black market map

familiar Reassembled Blackbird (6 lbs)

familiar Slimeling (6 lbs)

familiar Reassembled Blackbird (6 lbs)

use 1 black market map

Encounter: Wu Tang the Betrayer
You gain 15 Smarm
Your familiar gains a pound: Fairy Plus Starfish (when fed), the 2 lb. Slimeling
You gain 14 Cheek
Round 4: anitert wins the fight!
Your familiar gains a pound: Fairy Plus Starfish (when fed), the 3 lb. Slimeling
You acquire an item: forged identification documents
You acquire an item: can of black paint
You acquire an item: black cherry soda
You gain 15 Strengthliness
You gain 14 Enchantedness
You gain 40 Smarm
You gain a Moxie point!

Log and debug in case they are useful:

View attachment DEBUG_20110819.txt

View attachment anitert_20110819.txt


Comment deleted, realised you meant 9724.

However, Fly fly fly sounds like a gm script or relay override, as an underlined "use map" is the one I see when I get the last item in the Black Forest.
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