is this possible


New member
ok i want this to happen automaticly when i log on

1.make spag with skullheads the spag with skullheads
3. buy 3 coctails
4. drink the coctails

is all of that possible???

if so plz help me with the script or give me it.
[quote author=killsomeone link=topic=1515.msg7053#msg7053 date=1202372165]
ok i want this to happen automaticly when i log on

1.make spag with skullheads the spag with skullheads
3. buy 3 coctails
4. drink the coctails

is all of that possible???

if so plz help me with the script or give me it.

That's probably better handled with a simple cli script. You just about wrote the script there.

create X spaghetti with Skullheads
eat X spaghetti with Skullheads
buy 3 cocktails
drink 3 cocktails

Where "X" would be replaced with the quantity desired, and "cocktails" would be replaced with the desired drink. Save the file with a .txt extension not .ash then set the script to run on login in your preferences on the breakfast tab.
Mod Edit: There it's a little more obvious.

i did it!!!!! but after the updates it screwed up :(

copy and paste this awsome script, it will also auto buy more buffs!
and pay royalties

note name farming outfit cooleee
note name rollover outfit time
note adventure at the poop deck
note it sends stuff off to smashbot for smashing

outfit cooleee
use 1 milk of magnesium
drink 4 little sump'm sump'm
eat 2 fettucini Inconnu
eat 1 tofu wonton
rest in campground
cast 20 leash of linguini

adventure 999 poop deck

outfit time

drink bile wine
drink little sump'm sump'm

send * witty rapier to smashbot
autosell * bigle wine
send * copper ha'penny charrrmto smashbot
send * booty chest charrrm to smashbot
send * cannonball charrrm to smashbot
send * silver tongue charrrm to smashbot

send 4000 meat to killsomeone
send 7 meat to IocaineBot
send 17 meat to IocaineBot
OK, I am never sure as to all the rules, but I think any script that mails meat to the writer is not legal.

You might want to take this one down, post an updated version, or do something to fix it before you get banned.

Then again I may not know rules correctly either.
[quote author=killsomeone link=topic=1515.msg7067#msg7067 date=1202470174]
send 4000 meat to killsomeone[/quote]
[quote author=killsomeone link=topic=1515.msg7067#msg7067 date=1202470174]
send 4000 meat to killsomeone

Now that you have posted that here, all the multiczar has to do is look at killsomeone's inbox (even if ya delete the messages) to know who all your multi's are.

[quote author=Veracity link=topic=1515.msg7070#msg7070 date=1202483997]

I can't quit laughing.

[quote author=Veracity link=topic=1521.msg7102#msg7102 date=1202536418]
I'm feeling rather more snarky than usual, today.

It shows!!! :)
[quote author=efilnikufecin link=topic=1515.msg7107#msg7107 date=1202564094]
Now that you have posted that here, all the multiczar has to do is look at killsomeone's inbox (even if ya delete the messages) to know who all your multi's are.

If you see his post, he wants other to use this, and "Pay Royalties".

That's even funnier.
I really should pay more attention. The sad thing is I tried to help this person. I don't think I will bother anymore.

It's not funny. It's sad. I mean The makers of Kolmafia ask so little, and never charge for it. Far more work goes into Kolmafia than any script written to run in Kolmafia.
Oh of course.
And It's jerks like that guy that make me sorry to see all of their work go to waste on some people.

And I mean come on, no person would use that script anyway. xD
If the OP ever comes back to the board again:

rest in campground
Can just be

adventure 999 poop deck
should be
adventure * poop deck

autosell * bigle wine
should be bilge

send 4000 meat to killsomeone
This is a major no-no as others have already lambasted you over. Seriously, don't. Just ... don't. (As I would love to include my favorite word in there, I'm not sure this person is of legal age to be verbally abused in that manner >.>)

What you should have just done in the first place was read the documentation on the KoLmafia website and try to do it yourself. You proved to us you have no idea (or at least, the wrong idea) as to what you're doing with mafia and are quite likely just abusing its usage.