Is there a way to automate the current brushfire event?

Something like wearing demonskin trousers and oven mitts with a magical ice cube offhand, and just setting your CCS to attack with weapon? Then spending adventures at Fightin' Fire?

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Something like wearing demonskin trousers and oven mitts with a magical ice cube offhand, and just setting your CCS to attack with weapon? Then spending adventures at Fightin' Fire?


I'm guessing he means buffing/wielding/css scripting the best possible scenario for maximizing commendations.
Just like with anything else, you can write a CCS that gives specific results. If you know your fav icy skills, use them.

But check the adventures first and enjoy. After you've given it some attention, then you can figure out the best CCS for your desired results, based on the skills and items you actually have. :)
There are a couple that I hacked together for different strategies.

[ option 1 ] // +spell damage lots of resistance to get thru 3 loops (9-10 rounds)
sub blowsnow
item gob of wet hair, scented massage oil
call blowsnow

[ option 2 ] // AT ULEW (+3-4 resistance only)
extreme high note
item gob of wet hair, gauze garter

[ option 3 ] // whittlin' knife + kaiku katana or patriot shield (3 rounds = 7-9? resistance)
summer siesta
throw shield
attack with weapon

[ option 4 ] // slime stacks (3 res. only)
item gob of wet hair, slime stack
item gob of wet hair, gauze garter

The juju mask is a little bit harder to ccs because you can't guarantee you'll get the gaze.
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Hello, I'm trying to write a script for the current event. All I want to do is Sausegeyser every round, then Cannelloni Cocoon after the fight is over, and repeat. If anyone can do this quickly, it would be very appreciated! If not, it would also be very helpful if someone could tell me why this isn't working:

adventure(1, $location[Fightin' Fire]);

Thank you!
You might need to update Mafia, so it recognizes the location. Or you can use this, which should work with any Mafia version (combined with a CCS):

use_skill(1,$skill[Cannelloni Cocoon]);

For the CCS part (the last action repeats until combat ends):

[ default ]
skill saucegeyser
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For future reference, unknown locations automatically get added to the zone list under the category "Override" if you adventure there once.
Yes, it was only adventure.php (see AdventureDatabase.getUnknownName()).

I never tried to make it work with non-adventure.php locations, but it could be possible. It would need to be done after we get redirected to fight.php or choice.php, since that would be the only way to be sure the unknown URL is an adventure location.
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