Is there a file somewhere that has food/drink adv gains?


Active member
Basically, I want to make a spoiler script to show me the effects of every item in the game under it in red text. Like for example:

tochange["Asparagus stir-fry"] = "1-5a, 3-5mus+mys, 1f";
tochange["lemon"] = "1a, 1f";
tochange["star hat"] = "+30 Max MP";

Is there an already existing file or map to any of this stuff, so that I dont have to type it into the ASH file for thousands of items?
here's an example that gets the data from fullness.txt and prints out one of the entries:

record fullness_info {
	int level;
	string adv;
	string musc;
	string myst;
	string mox;

void print(fullness_info fi) {
	print(fi.level + ", " + fi.adv + ", " + fi.musc + ", " + fi.myst + ", " + fi.mox);

void main() {
	fullness_info [item] map;
	file_to_map("fullness.txt", map);
	print(map[$item[abominable snowcone]]);
Also, I'm sure dj_d's EatDrink.ash has already got all this figured out. Might want to take a look at that, although it's pretty big so it might take more work finding the solution.
I meant a relay override script - particularly for equipment. I can never remember what equipment gives what enchantment, etc.

I rarely eat and drink through the Relay Browser, but I expect some do (we all have different playstyles), but I commonly think "WTF does potion x do?" or more commonly "WTF does all this equipment do?" through the Relay Browser.
This being the most recent relevant thread I could find, I wanted to ask where these values come from, and how is best to get them updated? It looks like the well-tempered epicure, and as houeland points out here, there are lots of errors in that data.

Edit: Ok, I realised that the source is indeed the epicure. Problems exist e.g. with different ranges for knoll, knob and spooky lo mein. As a request for the future, may I suggest including an average yield column, which may well be different to (max+min)/2. Again, houeland's site looks promisingly useful in that regard.
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