Feature Is it possible to make Mafia NOT give a "friendly warning" in this case?


In a script I'm working on, I'm trying to use the monster name "Novio Cadáver". The closest I can get in an ash script as far as I know is "Novio Cadáver". It won't match if I actually copy-and-paste "Novio Cadáver" into the script file. The version with the HTML entity is the best possible, as far as I know. It still causes a "friendly warning".

Is this intended and expected behaviour? If it is, can you maybe suggest a way that I can match for "Novio Cadáver" without getting the warning?


Staff member
For some reason, monsters.txt changed all the html entities for that accent to unicode characters. I expect it happened when we added monster images from Manuel - since, for some reason, Manuel actually has the unicode character, even though I am fairly certain that the monsters you encounter on the holiday have the character entity. At least, that's how it always was in the past, when I checked - before Manuel was released.

Revision 12278 fixes the monster names to agree with what you actually meet in the Kingdom, as opposed to what Manuel shows you. I think. Unless the Kingdom has inserted a new bug - which it does, frequently.

We'll see when El Dia comes around again.


Staff member
I think I changed all those when mafia stopped creating Holiday Monster counters because KoL actually uses unicode characters for those monsters. First I changed it in monsters.txt, then I changed it in FightRequest.


Staff member
Fascinating. So, KoL really did change to use Unicode characters. Well, that was sloppy HTML coding.

Not that that should surprise me.

					// El/La aren't actually part of the monster's name,
					// but they have not been removed yet by KoLmafia
					encounter.equalsIgnoreCase( "El Novio Cadáver" ) ||
					encounter.equalsIgnoreCase( "El Padre Cadáver" ) ||
					encounter.equalsIgnoreCase( "La Novia Cadáver" ) ||
					encounter.equalsIgnoreCase( "La Persona Inocente Cadáver" ) ||


Thanks for taking a look at this! I think at the time when I posted there actually wasn't a "correct" way to write these names which would both work, and avoid the warning. With the current revision it works fine. I do prefer to correct scripts so they don't give a warning if possible. Much appreciated.


Staff member
So, KoL really did change to use Unicode characters.
From my default CCS file:

[ cadáver ]
section holiday monster
I've had that for like forever. KoL really did/does give you those monsters on fight.php with a character entity. The HTML for Manuel may be sloppy, but we'll see if they changed something in their database for those monsters and sloppified the HTML on the fight page, too.