Is it okay to break chat?

Like Veracity, chat just isn't my thing.

Having said that, I consider chat in KoLmafia to be kinda "broken" already. I say go for it :)
show tag in current channel
Ah, I guess some people prefer not to see channel tags in their current channel (the link is a toggle link, it doesn't reflect your current settings). I'd been hoping that everyone had that toggled, but I'll see what I can do to work around that.

Update: Should be working as expected now.
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Using 7823, I frequently found that chat messages in the relay browser didn't seem to get sent. I would open up the chat pane, and the first few commands would work fine. Then normal messages would stay in the message pane when I tried to send them; I think sometimes people were responding to those messages, so it was just on my end. I also ran into "/who clan" not being sent, and the server didn't send any response to the message. I was always able to /exit, and the first few commands I sent after rejoining worked normally. I didn't get around to testing without Tabbed Chat on before I went back to an older build.
I spoke too soon. It was mostly working in r7823 except for some /em messages. Then I updgraded to r7824. In channel hardcore, listening to clan and normal. Same preferences as before. Here's my CLI:

> buy 3 olive

Purchasing olive (3 @ 70)...
You acquire olive (3)
Purchases complete.
11/23/09 06:18 PM - [clan] TeddyTurtle (#235419): Greetings everyone.
11/23/09 06:18 PM - [normal] Pookah (#177532): Hullo

> buy lemon

Purchasing lemon (1 @ 70)...
You acquire an item: lemon
Purchases complete.
11/23/09 06:19 PM - [clan] LastChans (#1533995): not bad.
11/23/09 06:19 PM - [clan] LastChans (#1533995): i can't do a Hamster run on thursday :(
11/23/09 06:19 PM - Currently listening to channels:**normal**clan**hardcore

And the chat window has gone completely green.
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So I'm adventuring in Mafia and have chat open in the relay browser. I saw chat messages when I first opened it up, now they've just entirely stopped. Is chat not going to work in Mafia's relay browser any more?

EDIT: Never mind, saw discussion of this in the Latest Daily Build thread.
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Using 7823, I frequently found that chat messages in the relay browser didn't seem to get sent. I would open up the chat pane, and the first few commands would work fine. Then normal messages would stay in the message pane when I tried to send them; I think sometimes people were responding to those messages, so it was just on my end. I also ran into "/who clan" not being sent, and the server didn't send any response to the message. I was always able to /exit, and the first few commands I sent after rejoining worked normally. I didn't get around to testing without Tabbed Chat on before I went back to an older build.

Same issue in 7825. I tried turning off Tabbed Chat, and I also tried using Opera. There's also no chat log like there should be from the short time I just spent in chat.
KoL settings: All colors are at default, except for clan dungeon announcements which I have seen 0 of. The current channel tag is off.

Mafia Browser settings: All the chat stuff is unchecked. I think the Chat Options section is mostly for mafia's chat, and I doubt I would have ever changed them. The Log chats option (that's the only one that has any relevance to relay browser chat, right?) is still checked.
Applied some additional fixes for current channel tags being off for relay browser chat and also added better handling for people who like to use the /switch command. Let me know if this fixes it (or the problem continues).

Edit: For the clan dungeon problem, I'll need someone who has two accounts within the same guild to monitor when the messages show up in an account logged in normally vs. an account logged in using KoLmafia, and I'll need to know if KoLmafia is spitting out any error messages to the console (meaning you need to use java rather than javaw), or what channel stuff is actually getting routed to if no errors appear. What those messages are would also be useful.
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Chat preferences used to have an option for "Add a simplified graphical CLI to tabbed chat." Could you return the CLI tab to the chat window? Sometimes it is really convenient to have it there and I miss it.
Thanks. I'm happy just knowing it is on the roadmap.

r7828: This seems kind've messed up. When I open chat I find out that I only have my main channel. All the channels that I'm listening to are gone. I want to see tabs for the listening channels, so I close chat and open it again. However, it won't open again.

Well that was messed up, so in order to revive chat I have to exit kolMafia and restart it. Oh noes! I still don't have the channels I was listening to: rinse and repeat.

Turns out that this is quite repeatable. I just have to add my listening channels one by one and then NOT close chat.

Chat preferences (anything not listed, has it's box un-checked)
Use small fonts in hypertext
Use tabbed, rather than multi-window
Use shiny closeable tabs
Use the relay browser when clicking on links
Add a toobar to chat windows
Merge clan dungeon channel

Browser preferences
(I'm only listing the ones that look relevant and are enabled)
Integrate chat and relay browser gCLI
Reformat incoming chat HTML

In-game chat preferences
I'm in channel hardcore and listening to clan. No other channels. (hardcore is being echoed to my CLI, not clan.)
profanity filter is off
show tag in current channel
enable right click menu
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Incidentally, when I logged out of kol with my chat window still active it kept my channels. I've since found a new weird bug though.

I clicked on someone's name to open a blue message window. It then opened a window to them. I typed a message into that window and weirdly it opened a new window to display the message I just sent. The difference between those two windows is that the first one had the correct capitalization of their name while the window that mafia preferred was all lower-case.
Seems like chat is working (or at least, I haven't seen any bug reports suggesting it's not working properly), so I've readded the gCLI tab.
It's looking pretty good to me also. Thanks for all the hard work.

(And I appreciate getting the gCLI back!)
Using the relay browser, it seems that after changing my password and reloading chat (with the handy link that kol provides, with /exit and reopening chat, by closing and reopening the relay browser) I can't send messages into the chat window. I'm not sure how this worked before, but I get the feeling that mafia doesn't actually close chat when the relay browser chat is closed, so it doesn't use the new session ID, or something like that (I don't know nearly enough about chat to offer any real explanation).

Also, after running into this, I decided to open up mafia's chat window. I verified that I couldn't send anything there either, then I closed the window. I tried reopening it, and it wouldn't open again. 7836, OSX 10.4.11.

Edit: This is probably a bigger issue. I tried sending a kmail in the relay browser and I was asked if I want to save sendmessage.php, which opened as a blank file. Maybe I shouldn't be trying to continue with the session after changing my password?
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I'm finding that with the most current build (7836) that if I close my chat window, I can't get it to come back up without exiting and restarting Mafia.

On a similar note, if I close a tab where I'm PM'ing someone, further PMs to that person don't restore the tab.

Lastly (and this might be a new setting??) dungeon announcements are showing up in all my chat panes/PM conversations AND the CLI. I didn't see anything super-obvious in the chat preferences to suppress this.