

Would there be enough interest in an IRC channel to discuss Mafia stuff? Or is there one I just don't know about? If there isn't I think it would be great to set one up, at least for the purposes of scripting discussion.

Thoughts? Comments?


I registered a channel on

Channel is #kolmafia

I'm still in the process of setting up the bot that will run the channel, so bear with me. It's going to take me a bit more time to get it all set up and working, but the channel is definitely there.

I'll be providing auto-ops to all the big names in the community, so whenever you get an IRC name set up or whatever, let me know and I'll set the flags appropriately
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The channel is up and running, and I saw a couple people coming in and out over the course of the night. Bale, I already set you up as an op. I'm hoping to get more people in to the IRC over time, since its one of the best ways ever for support channels.


The channel is up and running, and I saw a couple people coming in and out over the course of the night. Bale, I already set you up as an op. I'm hoping to get more people in to the IRC over time, since its one of the best ways ever for support channels.

Can you explain the benefits of this? I mean, it's lovely to make this project even more sociable than it already is, but as a support channel I'm struggling to see how it is useful.

KoLmafia is designed for a game. It's not as though people need immediate answers to their questions, and to be frank the community is pretty quick to respond to stuff anyways. Is there not the risk that this will simply lead to answers to questions not being recorded for others to see and learn from?


I was targeting it more towards people interested in developing scripts. All the talk about the wiki overhaul drove me to this, because when I was writing my script, I would have loved a way to talk to someone who actually knew what they were doing. As it stands, the forums are a hit or miss thing, and when you're writing the script, its tough to wait for a response and see if theres a function that you don't know that can help. IRC speeds that up significantly, and its a quick place to ask questions that can be easily solved/answered.

And yeah, it is for a game, but sometimes, you have that pressing question that you want answered as soon as possible. This is just a way to facilitate that. I've always found that troubleshooting a problem in a quick back and forth is always more efficient than posting, waiting for an hour, getting a reply, finding it doesn't work, and then waiting again.


<@CptJesus> Hi Grotfang
<Grotfang> Hey CptJesus
#kolmafia Cannot send to channel

Any ideas what's going on?
On the one hand, the possibility of instant feedback and help and discussion is tempting.

On the other hand, one of the things I like about the forums is that person X can answer a question for person Y, and I can come in six months later, do a search, and learn that same answer. Or I can lurk on current question threads and learn things I didn't even know I wanted to know -- possible in a chat, but dependent on being on at the time of the discussion.

A chat channel is great for active discussion but I feel it hampers some of the passive absorption of knowledge that is possible on the forums. And responses on the forum tend to be pretty quick, almost always within a day, which is usually fast enough for my practical purposes.

All of which is to say, I wish you luck, but it's not really my style. I hope I won't be missing out on too much.


On the one hand, the possibility of instant feedback and help and discussion is tempting.

On the other hand, one of the things I like about the forums is that person X can answer a question for person Y, and I can come in six months later, do a search, and learn that same answer. Or I can lurk on current question threads and learn things I didn't even know I wanted to know -- possible in a chat, but dependent on being on at the time of the discussion.

A chat channel is great for active discussion but I feel it hampers some of the passive absorption of knowledge that is possible on the forums. And responses on the forum tend to be pretty quick, almost always within a day, which is usually fast enough for my practical purposes.

All of which is to say, I wish you luck, but it's not really my style. I hope I won't be missing out on too much.

That is a valid argument for sure. However, like I said, this is targeted more at developers than anything, since its an easy way to collaborate on scripting. I would already say its been a success. More information soon!


I'm curious what programs people use for IRC and why.

Personally, I just use my web browser to open IRC in a tab, but I know Opera isn't popular enough for everyone to be using that solution. Is that the optimal solution?


Pidgin, 'cause I'm curmudgeonly when it comes to having multiple programs to accomplish the same task. Even though IRC on Pidgin kinda sucks.


'cause I'm curmudgeonly when it comes to having multiple programs to accomplish the same task.

I hear you. It can be convenient to have a program you're already using take care of the extra task. Keeps you from needing a whole extra window.