New Content - Implemented IOTM - March 2018 - Pokéfam Guide to Capturing All of Them

r18586 adds a stab at familiar data.
Some look safe:
Unspeakachu is a physical starfish
Stooper gives +1 liver
Disgeist is probably just a reverse Hound Dog (-15% combat and 3 lbs gave 7 'and ons' in Airship, 13 and 23 lbs gave 8 'and ons', 98 lb gave 9 'and ons'.
Bowlet is physical damage and items, haven't spaded items, so assuming fairy.
Cornbeefadon is stats and meat, haven't spaded, so assuming volley and lep.
Mu is elemental combat, all types, every round! New go to familiar for maximizing damage sources?

What else are we missing?
Hi, probably a bad bump.
I realized that Mafia didn't seem to have a tracking pref for number of poke-gro fertilizers dropping per day (the cap is 3).
Might be a little late for this to be of use for anyone though, although it would be nice to know when they drop (my previous spading was very bad and not very useful).
In that there is a new garden, it might be late - but the tall grass garden is still in Standard, so I am sure some people will continue to use it.
Easy enough to add a counter.