New Content IOTM - Feb 2021 - Emotion Chip


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10733    emotion chip    433546358    emochip_clean.gif    usable    t    0
Item    emotion chip    Free Pull

When used it grants a skill that is marked HC permanent and an item:

203    Emotionally Chipped    emochip_clean.gif    0    0    0
# Skill Emotionally Chipped: Gives you access to emotions

10734    spinal-fluid-covered emotion chip    360064272    emochip_dirty.gif    usable        0
# Item spinal-fluid-covered emotion chip

Using the spinal-fluid-covered emotion chip generates a message that "You've already installed an emotion chip."
This should have tabs preserved.
10733 emotion chip 433546358 emochip_clean.gif usable t 0
Item emotion chip Free Pull
2631 Feeling Peaceful emochip10.gif 6dbb54082c6f253bb57eb125cc5ecb55 neutral none
Effect Feeling Peaceful Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2, Damage Reduction: 10, Damage Absorption: +100
2627 Feeling Excited emochip1.gif 7b78b0e96a9d9e28de62d11931ccc389 neutral none
Effect Feeling Excited Muscle: +25, Mysticality: +25, Moxie: +25
2628 Feeling Lonely emochip11.gif 26d83401d58117dd07f65c1a1466368f neutral none
Effect Feeling Lonely Combat Rate: -5
2630 Feeling Lost emochip7.gif b2ba17b262547bb007bab8e99b44e8dd neutral none
# Effect Feeling Lost: Wander Aimlessly While Learning and Collecting Stuff
# Effect Feeling Lost: +30 Stats Per fight
Effect Feeling Lost Item Drop: +60
2629 Feeling Nervous emochip4.gif 83b943cec95c660e424a1e8573c3fbf6 neutral none
# Effect Feeling Nervous: Monsters are damaged by your nervous energy
To stop the forum software converting tabs to spaces, you can disable JavaScript and post that way. It might be a feature the admins can change; I don't know.

Problem also occurs at the source - copying from the GCLI is different than copying from a session log.

Using the CODE tag </> also preserves tabs on the forum.
Using the CODE tag </> also preserves tabs on the forum.

10122    stained glass suspenders    622632255    sg_suspenders.gif    accessory        0

Not for me, how are you doing it? When I paste a tab into the code block it gets converted to 4 spaces. You can also see the effect in Magus_Prime's first post.

More specifically,
* I click "Code"
* I paste a tab (it's still a tab)
* I click "Continue", and now it's four spaces.
Problem also occurs at the source - copying from the GCLI is different than copying from a session log.

Using the CODE tag </> also preserves tabs on the forum.
I copied it from my session file and I had to do it outside of my terminal switching "screen" program. There were tabs not spaces when I hit post. I'll see if I can make it work with code tags.
Nope. I paste a tab into the window and it turns into spaces. I'm pretty sure an attachment will preserve tabs.

EDIT: Yup that worked.


10122    stained glass suspenders    622632255    sg_suspenders.gif    accessory        0

Not for me, how are you doing it? When I paste a tab into the code block it gets converted to 4 spaces. You can also see the effect in Magus_Prime's first post.

More specifically,
* I click "Code"
* I paste a tab (it's still a tab)
* I click "Continue", and now it's four spaces.

OK. I won't pass on that advice again. Maybe the last time I tried it was under VBulletin? Thank you.
  • Recognise items, skills and effects from the new IotM
  • Track daily use of every skill (int "_feel<emotion>Used")
  • Track last monster that meets criteria for nostalgia
  • Renames that prop "feelNostalgicMonster" because I named it badly first time round
  • Actually makes the skills castable from mafia
  • Clears feelNostalgicMonster on ascension (this is probably right/if its wrong it will probably be fixed)
default actions need to be added for the Feeling effects in statuseffects.txt:
2627    Feeling Excited    emochip1.gif    7b78b0e96a9d9e28de62d11931ccc389    good    none    cast 1 Feel Excitement
2628    Feeling Lonely    emochip11.gif    26d83401d58117dd07f65c1a1466368f    neutral    none    cast 1 Feel Lonely
2629    Feeling Nervous    emochip4.gif    83b943cec95c660e424a1e8573c3fbf6    neutral    none    cast 1 Feel Nervous
2630    Feeling Lost    emochip7.gif    b2ba17b262547bb007bab8e99b44e8dd    neutral    none    cast 1 Feel Lost
2631    Feeling Peaceful    emochip10.gif    6dbb54082c6f253bb57eb125cc5ecb55    neutral    none    cast 1 Feel Peaceful
"Feel Hatred" needs to be added to BanishManager
I don't know how Mafia code or java works, but I think its something like this:
new Banisher( "Feel Hatred", 50, 1, true, Reset.TURN_ROLLOVER_RESET),
  • Added the banisher for Feel Hatred
  • Track the combat skills properly (previously were looking for them to be cast like regular skills!)
  • Add default acquisition commands for the effects
Casting multiple seems to only increase the tracking property by 1. (This probably only applies to the noncombat skills)

I only tried this with 'feel peaceful'.
> cast 3 feel peaceful

You acquire an effect: Feeling Peaceful (60)
Feel Peaceful was successfully cast.

> get _feelPeacefulUsed

feelNostalgicMonster doesn't differentiate between eligible (copyable) and ineligible monsters, causing it to erroneously report things like God Lobster as your latest nostalgic monster.
feelNostalgicMonster doesn't differentiate between eligible (copyable) and ineligible monsters, causing it to erroneously report things like God Lobster as your latest nostalgic monster.
This just means our data on the god lobster being copyable is incorrect