Invisible intrinsic teleportitis?


As usual, I have *no* idea wtf is going on. 4 instances of mafia running simultaneously, all 4 seemed to have spontaneously developed invisible intrinsic teleportitis! I was *trying* to do the daily conspiracy island quest thingitz, and all 4 were adventuring in parts entirely unrelated to the quest (a la teleportitis). Checked effects - nothing. Checked gear - nothing.

Any comments, questions, or edibles greatly appreciated ;)

ETA: I checked the forums first, and no one else seems to be freaking out.
First, if you are running four instances simultaneously then you are not running plain vanilla KoLmafia which may limit the help or support you can get. You probably should tell us what you are running.

What operating system?

Do all of the characters have unique passwords?

Is the relay browser being used?

Do the session logs also show adventuring in unexpected locations? What are those locations?

Are there scripts involved? There are various scripts that will adventure in unexpected places because of wandering monsters or expiring timers.

I can, for example, imaging a buggy Autumnaton script that sent the character to a location instead of the autumnaton.
Sorry, 2 instances on 2 separate computers simultaneously.

Windows 10, yes, yes, yes, but weirdly? Like, adving in the Deep Dark Jungle, but mafia autoaborts because I'm in the middle of a choice adv, and when I go investigate I "choose" and suddenly I'm fighting a bookbat or whatever. The locations are random, just like with teleportitis.

Yes, I was trying to run autoconspiracy.ash, but, even if I adv in browser the same thing happens. I'm unaware of any autonamous autumnaton scripts, I do have a few lines of code in my BBB for it though.

Thank you for responding!

ETA: text from the gCL -
[784854] The Mansion of Dr. Weirdeaux
Encounter: The Floor Is Yours
Manual control requested for choice #1091
choice 1: Use the wire puller (1,970 carat gold -> thin gold wire)...
The choices list was long, skipped, went to adv manually, and was sent to another random location.
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I have a vague recollection of times when auto adventuring would halt and hitting refresh in the relay browser brought me into a fight, not a choice. I never tracked it down.

What version are you running?

I'm not sure where I would start looking for recent changes. Redirection? Choice handling? Something involving where the last adventure was?

I do have this version of autoConspiracy on my machine and my DrW consult script is still here so I will try and run over the next few days when I have times and turns. That should eliminate a couple of things.

I have a vague recollection of times when auto adventuring would halt and hitting refresh in the relay browser brought me into a fight, not a choice. I never tracked it down.

What version are you running?

I'm not sure where I would start looking for recent changes. Redirection? Choice handling? Something involving where the last adventure was?

I do have this version of autoConspiracy on my machine and my DrW consult script is still here so I will try and run over the next few days when I have times and turns. That should eliminate a couple of things.
26971 when I started, 26973 when I posted, and now that I'm out of accounts to experiment with, I see the current version is 26974. I'm *super* confused since this seems to be happening only to me. The basement seemed to be unaffected, haven't tried anywhere else yet. When I start up tomorrow I'll take a crack at something seemingly benign before I try autoconspiracy.

ETA: I used 26971 all day yesterday with 0 issues.
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767274] An Unusually Quiet Barroom Brawl
Encounter: pygmy witch accountant
[767275] An Unusually Quiet Barroom Brawl
Encounter: mind flayer
[767276] An Unusually Quiet Barroom Brawl
Encounter: Furry Giant

Mafia says the location is the same as where I started, but I'm obviously fighting monsters from different areas, and if I adv in browser I am "transported" to random locations. So, it's not autoConspiracy, I guess?
Have you tried adventuring, manually, via the relay browser? If so do you see the same behavoir?
Never post before coffee!! Each of those advs posted previously was done manually in browser. Each time I'm shunted to a random location, but mafia reports the original location.
Sounds like a ring of teleportation.
That does not give you an effect or an intrinsic but is functionally identical to teleportitis.
Sounds like a ring of teleportation.
That does not give you an effect or an intrinsic but is functionally identical to teleportitis.
Hence the title. While I do have the ring, it was not equipped (nor was teleportitis "active" in effects). I can try closeting it tomorrow and see what happens.
Can you get a DEBUG log of this? I want to see you making a request and exactly how KoL responds.

When you get into a fight, what does the Next Adventure link say? I’d to see that in the log too.

Does this happen in vanilla KoL?
Echoing Veracity's question: "Does this happen in vanilla KoL?" If so does it happen when the character has nothing equipped?
Can you get a DEBUG log of this? I want to see you making a request and exactly how KoL responds.

When you get into a fight, what does the Next Adventure link say? I’d to see that in the log too.

Does this happen in vanilla KoL?
There is no DEBUG log. Teleportitis is a normal game function. Mafia *only* autoaborts when the random adving sends me to a location with a choice adventure I've not yet set. Next Adventure link is the random location I've been sent to. Still happens with ring closeted., and in vanilla KoL (just checked a few moments ago, since it was so weird I assumed a mafia interaction).

I flipped all the switches on logging, and it still only shows where I intended to adv, and the monster I ended up with...
[767776] An Unusually Quiet Barroom Brawl
Encounter: dairy goat
As soon as the dairy goat popped up the Next Adv. link switched to the Goatlet.
A shot in the dark, but when you checked your effects and found nothing, does that just mean no Teleportitis, or also no Funday! and no Feeling Lost?

(It's happened to me before that I cast Feel Lost from the maximizer because I didn't read the fine print.)
A shot in the dark, but when you checked your effects and found nothing, does that just mean no Teleportitis, or also no Funday! and no Feeling Lost?

(It's happened to me before that I cast Feel Lost from the maximizer because I didn't read the fine print.)
Holy crap, there's more stuff that can give teleportitis?! That might be it, thanks!!

ETA: Yep, had Feeling Lost on! I have *really* terrible eyesight, guess I thought the teleportitis was attached to the Feeling Nervous in the description chart on the wiki. Thanks everyone for your patience in putting up with me, and helping me figure this out!
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There is no DEBUG log.

For future reference DEBUG logs are created automatically when certain things happen. But they can also be created "on demand'. When a dev or interested party trying to help asks for a DEBUG log it can mean "manually start a debug log before the interesting thing happens and stop it after it has happened".

There is an entry in the Help menu to toggle the DEBUG log.

In this case the request was something like, turn on the DEBUG log, adventure once, observe that teleportitis happened, turn off the log and share it.
(It's happened to me before that I cast Feel Lost from the maximizer because I didn't read the fine print.)
That happened to me, once, too. I don’t recall what I was maximizing, but the maximizer recommended it, and I accepted it without understanding it had an undesirable side effect.

One could argue that the maximizer should not recommend things like that.

Doesn’t statuseffects.txt list desirability of effects? Positive, negative, neutral?

Edit: "Feeling Lost" is marked as "neutral". It is also NOT "nohookah". Seems a bit odd.

I still think the maximizer should not suggest it - even though it is "Item Drop: +60, Experience: +30" - because chances are you maximize in order to go to specific places, not random ones.
For future reference DEBUG logs are created automatically when certain things happen. But they can also be created "on demand'. When a dev or interested party trying to help asks for a DEBUG log it can mean "manually start a debug log before the interesting thing happens and stop it after it has happened".

There is an entry in the Help menu to toggle the DEBUG log.

In this case the request was something like, turn on the DEBUG log, adventure once, observe that teleportitis happened, turn off the log and share it.
Thank you, I had no idea this was possible. I'll try to remember to do that next time I have an issue!