New Content - Implemented Intergnat

An important step, but please save that information in a preference so that I won't have to search through my session logs to find the names. Please and Thanks!
In 16933, the full name now gets saved in demonName12. "Neil" is added to the front once both of the other pieces are found, so that's an easy way to tell if it's finished.

Summoning this demon should work now. If you have found exactly 1 of the 2 pieces, mafia will currently try and fail. If you don't already have the Intergnat out, mafia will try and fail. Those cases both still need handling.
is there a reason the intergnat doesn't have at least a .drop_name "bacon" proxy record? the pair of stomping boots just says "pastes", since .drop_item can be one of 22 different things, likewise cotton candy carnie says "cotton candy" for .drop_name, and .drop_item is "none" since it can be about 10 different things
Because the BACON is unlimited in quantity. (Just like the yellow Pixels of the Puck couple.) Only limited drops are listed,
It might be funny to have an infinity symbol and BACON. But, then again, I'm easily amused. The intergnat's flight pattern is a figure-8 or "sideways infinity symbol".
I've been constantly forgetting to request this for months: can we get _gnatScrollDrop and _gnatCandleDrops preferences?
I know there's a limit of one scroll drop per day, but I hadn't heard anything about candle drops being limited.

Anyway, is it a big deal for you to get more than one AFUE scroll before breaking ronin? I can't really afford to run it for more turns than that considering how many other prime familiars it is competing with.
It doesn't seem that mafia is tracking the use of the Daily Dungeon Malware, I propose the following patch for review:

Index: src/data/defaults.txt
--- src/data/defaults.txt	(revision 18196)
+++ src/data/defaults.txt	(working copy)
@@ -1307,6 +1316,7 @@
 user	_crimboTree	false
 user	_cursedKegUsed	false
 user	_cursedMicrowaveUsed	false
+user	_dailyDungeonMalwareUsed	false
 user	_darkChocolateHeart	false
 user	_deckCardsSeen
 user	_deckCardsDrawn	0 
Index: src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/request/
--- src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/request/	(revision 18196)
+++ src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/request/	(working copy)
@@ -8592,6 +8611,17 @@
+			if ( responseText.contains( "It's a UNIX System" ) )
+			{
+				Preferences.setBoolean( "_dailyDungeonMalwareUsed", true );
+			}
+			else if ( responseText.contains( "You attempt to hack the monster" ) )
+			{
+				Preferences.setBoolean( "_dailyDungeonMalwareUsed", true );
+			}
+			break;
 		if ( itemId != itemId2 )
I've been constantly forgetting to request this for months: can we get _gnatScrollDrop and _gnatCandleDrops preferences?

It looks like counting of scrolls and candles still isn't implemented. The wiki lists the limits as 6 candles and 1 scroll per day. It would be useful to know when to swap familiars. I think it could be accomplished by something like this in

			case FamiliarPool.INTERGNAT:
				if ( monster != null )
					for ( String s : monster.getRandomModifiers() )
						if ( s.equals( "eldritch" ) )
							if ( responseText.contains( "drops a thin black candle" )
									|| responseText.contains( "gives you a thin black candle" ) )
								Preferences.increment( "_gnatCandleDrops" );
							else if ( responseText.contains( "pops up unexpectedly, interrupting what you're doing, and shoves an advertisement in your face" ) )
								Preferences.setBoolean( "_gnatScrollDrop", true );

And of course add the appropriate lines to defaults.txt.