Feature - Implemented Initiative Calculations

Include +ML initiative penalties in mafia side pane display

Using the formula indicated here

The page indicates the formula's a work in progress, but I've not seen any counterexamples.

Formally I believe this is actually a bonus to the monster's initiative value, but since mafia currently does not store that information or display it anywhere, the simplest way is to treat it as a penalty to the character's initiative. For most purposes this is equivalent; only something that explicitly depended on your +init could tell us the difference (such as modern zombies, or the last day of the valhalla revamp event).

Alternatively, storing monster initiative values in mafia and using this and the adjustment in the link would let one's chance to get the jump be displayed in Location Details, for each individual monster as well as the zone (as hit and evade chances currently are).
Mafia stores it... well, on some mobs. It's one of those things that, due to less precise spading, is only on a minority of the monsters, but mafia does try to at least load it in. Believe that, if the monster has it stored, it's displayed in the relay browser as well...
I've never seen it displayed in the relay browser on any monster ever; nor in Location Details. And seeing it before you go into the zone would be helpful.
For most purposes this is equivalent; only something that explicitly depended on your +init could tell us the difference (such as modern zombies, or the last day of the valhalla revamp event).

/clan said:
[21:51:30] Demon Llama (AFHk): does the init penalty for +ML apply towards modern zmobie encounters
[21:51:35] Eleron: no
So there's that answered, meaning base +init needs to be available somehow.
So there's that answered, meaning base +init needs to be available somehow.

Totally a necro, but could we perhaps implement this as Initiative Penalty? Base +init would then be available via numeric_modifier("Initiative").

(working on patch at the moment)

edit: intuitively I'd imagine it would make more sense to adjust the monsters' initiative, since that's likely what's going on. That's a bit more opaque, though.

edit edit: see patch. It's actually a lot cleaner than I expected.


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