Feature Individual folders in "sessions" per character?


Active member
Just wondering if people would find it useful.

So in your KoLmafia folder instead of having:

it would be:

I realize that some people might find this redundant. Thoughts?


Active member
Thanks for coming ladies and gentlemen, they'll be here all week.

On the topic of separate folder per character, I would ask to consider a second sort as well: By ascension.
When an ascension is done, it would make it much simpler to pack it away for archives or uploading.

I generally delete them all myself, but then my ascensions are nothing that special ^^


Staff member
Just wondering if people would find it useful.

So in your KoLmafia folder instead of having:

it would be:

I realize that some people might find this redundant. Thoughts?

If I were to do it I would use

instead. That's because I have external to mafia scripts that will build or collapse a directory tree based upon filename conventions.

Since I have such scripts, I find I almost never apply them to session logs. If I am drilling down to find a log, the absence of subdirectories means fewer clicks. If I am searching I can pick the character or the date by a wildcard in the filename and don't have to remember the syntax for traversing subdirectories.

Finally, in a world dominated by security theater and not risk assessment, I'm sure there is someone, somewhere who will claim mafia is less secure because it explicitly writes to sessions/character for multiple characters instead of always writing to sessions. I don't believe that but I'm sure none of us will ever get the five minutes of our lives back after we explain it to someone whose understanding of computer security comes from listening to one podcast.

So not a feature I need, would use, or would implement, but I'm not going to argue against it if someone else wants to do it and it is opt in.