Bug incorrect free rest count


Staff member
Mafia was burning 5 adventures resting when I expected to use only free rests (In a SMOL run):

> ash my_path()

Returned: A Shrunken Adventurer am I

> ash total_free_rests( )

Returned: 11

> modtrace free rests

type source Free Rests
Skill Long Winter's Nap +5.00 = +5.00
Skill Disco Nap +1.00 = +6.00
Skill Adventurer of Leisure +2.00 = +8.00
Inventory Item Cincho de Mayo +3.00 = +11.00

> ash is_unrestricted($skill[Long Winter's Nap])

Returned: false

> ash have_skill($skill[Long Winter's Nap])

Returned: true

It seems that Mafia is counting Long Winter's Nap as +5 when it should not (due to standard restrictions).
check standard.php / your charsheet: does Long Winter's Nap appear in either? both?

At one point this was fixed; it may have been unfixed.
charsheet.php contains:
<a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=197&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Long Winter's Nap</a> (<b>HP</b>)

standard.php contains:
<span class="i">Long Winter's Nap, </span>