Bug - Not A Bug In FistCore at the Black Market, cannot fight Wu-Tang



In the relay browser, the button to fight Wu-Tang the Betrayer at the Black Market dumps me into the woods instead of entering a fight. That's seems odd with this html:

<table><tr><td><center><Table width=90%><td><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/otherimages/suspicious2.gif" width=60 height=100></td><td valign=center>Hello, and welcome to the Black Market.  As always, your discretion is appreciated nearly as much as your patronage is.<p>With what illicit purposes may we assist you today?<p><center><form action=woods.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=fightbmguy><input class=button type=submit value="Wait a minute... (1)"></form></center></td></tr></table>

For some reason it sends me to woods.php, however, in the minibrowser (and presumably vanilla KoL) I get sent to woods.php?action=fightbmguy where I begin my battle. Is there some reason that KoL is leaving off the action value?

I tried entering that URL into the relay browser, but it still dumps me into the woods. Weird. I enter the URL into the minibrowser and that works just as well as clicking the button did earlier.

I hope that was enough information because I want to kill Wu-Tang now.
Weird - I'm still using 9711 and was able to fight him a couple days ago. (Of course, I underestimated him and he beat me up 3 times, but that's beside the point.)
What about a woods.php override?

Oh. Stupid me. Thanks Alhifar. This is not a mafia bug!

I guess I need to add this to the top:

if(form_field("action") != "") exit;

That'd do it, right?

Edit: OOOOH! Now when I click on the Black Market it says, "The Black Market is empty, because you beat up the guy who ran it." That didn't happen before! I think I posted my woods.php override somewhere. If anyone knows where, I'll update it.
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