Bug - Won't Fix In Fedora 34, GIO fails to let KoLmafia launch default browser

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Ever since I upgraded to Fedora 34, KoLmafia does not launch my default browser. At all. I call this post a Feature request instead of a Bug, though, because it's not KoLmafia's fault. It turns out there's a bug written against Red Hat, Cannot open default browser via GIO API since Fedora 34. The symptoms reported therein are exactly like mine. As a workaround, I can just launch my Chrome myself and point it to localhost:60080/game.php. I'd say the Feature I'm requesting is that KoLmafia try to get around this bug. I understand that since I have a workaround this won't be high priority, but thanks for any consideration.

(I was so glad to find that bug report, proving I wasn't mad. :) )
Have you really proven that you are not mad? Or just that you are not confused about this one thing? 😉
I jumped from fedora 33 to 35 in december and hit this problem as well, I reported it earlier here:

But am somewhat happy its a fedora bug not a kol one. If mafia could work around it that would be great, but there is a workaround (though its more annoying for lookup then the relay browser)
Followup: When I upgraded to Fedora 37, with Red Hat's OpenJDK version, Mafia is once more able to open Firefox windows. Hooray!
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