Improving Booze/Mixers at Nash Crosby's Still


New member
Is there an ASH function, gCLI command, or pre-written script that will improve a booze at the Still? If not, how would I go about writing one? I suppose I'd have to use direct URLs?
If you have a bottle of whiskey in your inventory, then

from the gCLI:

create 1 bottle of Domesticated Turkey

from ASH:

boolean success = create( 1, $item[ bottle of Domesticated Turkey ] );

will use the still to improve it for you. If you don't have the ingredient, don't have access to the still, or have already used the still 10 times today, the commands will fail - and the ASH function will return false.
Wow... I could've sworn I tried that before. Maybe I typoed it... I'll check tomorrow, since I'm out of still uses today. Thanks!
I just did this from the gCLI:

> create 10 bottle of Domesticated Turkey

Creating bottle of Domesticated Turkey (10)...
You acquire 10 bottles of Domesticated Turkey
Successfully created 10 bottle of Domesticated Turkey
Request completed.

I don't know why there are extra blank lines there, but, other than that, it worked as expected...