Bug - Fixed Improper recognization of changes after freeing the king and recalling skills


Staff member
I just wrapped up a HC run. I recalled my skills, I've been pulling stuff. The first issue is:
> ash can_interact()

Returned: false
I've spent less than 1000 turns so far this run, and I'm in the session where I freed the king still. Also, mafia won't let me buy stuff from the mall, telling me "You are not yet out of ronin, and are unable to buy this item from a NPC store."

Second, mafia can't handle casting skills that you recall. I tried clicking the buff-increasing arrows in the relay browser, and that created a message in the CLI for the buff being extended (in this case, "> cast 1 Musk of the Moose"). The buff wasn't actually extended though.

Related to that, one of the skills I recalled is torso. The first issue with that is that the Gear Changer window still has the torso slot grayed out; I wouldn't be surprised if that's a Java GUI issue where it can't be changed during the session. Typing "equip shirtName" worked to have mafia equip the shirt. When I ran the Modifier Maximizer for "meat" while wearing a duct tape shirt (+20% meat), it suggested that I take the shirt off.

Using the latest build.
I had this something like this yesterday as well (I never recalled since I have no SCPs, but it didn't pick up my freeing the king and thus wouldn't let me mallbuy). I put it down to lag at the time (there was quite a lot). I just relogged and it all sorted itself out.
Just my two cents, but after I free the king, I hit Tools > Refresh Session and it seems to work for me.