import zlib.ash


New member
So I am trying to run eatdrink, running it yields: "Bad item value: "desert bus pass" (zlib.ash, line 449)"

Running Zlib by itself yielded "Bad item value: "desert bus pass" (zlib.ash, line 460)"

I went into the .ash file and carefully deleted the reference to the desert bus pass and the function referencing it. A quick fix sure, but I was pretty sure the thing I wanted to run wasn't using it :P After that running eatdrink continued to yield "Bad item value: "desert bus pass" (zlib.ash, line 449)"

I take this to mean it is running some older version of zlib somewhere else on my comp? There is only one version of Zlib anywhere in the mafia folder, and I can't find it anywhere else on my comp using the search. What is going wrong?
It means you're running an old version of KoLmafia from before the desert bus pass was added to the game.

If this isn't true, then you have bad data files so use the "update clear" command. Then quit mafia and restart it.
bordemstirs, the problem is that Doccit was using mafia 14.3 which doesn't have the desert bus pass, but trying to use new zlib. Even if he does manage to fix all the DBP references, he's going to run into the factor issue next, with ^ != ** being an issue.
EatDrink 3.1.3 and zLib r25 play very nicely together. The problem is almost certainly stale data files and/or an old build of mafia.