Bug - Fixed Images fail to load and multiple "Unexpected error, debug log printed" when clicking on any link in Relay

Zulu Romeo

New member
Hi there. Am new here.

I've reinstalled KOLMafia using the .jar builds (currently r27548) onto a Windows 11 laptop, reinstalling new versions of the scripts I had on the last computer, and also a few newer ones to help me out. All of a sudden, images fail to load in the Relay browser, accompanied by multiple "Unexpected error, debug log printed" errors in the gCLI.

In terms of what I see, from the main map the map images load properly, as do the daily tasks icons, most of the icons in bale-relay-topmenu with exceptions, the Calendar of Loathing picture, and all the icons in the CHiT script. What doesn't load are the moon signs in the topmenu script, and even this brings up the debug log error message.

From here, however, clicking on any other link, be it inventory, options, any Kingdom location, and the Community link, brings up completely broken images and dozens of "debug log printed" unexpected error messages in gCLI.

I don't know if it is a specific script that is causing this, or a quirk with Windows 11, or a build problem. What I do know is that transferring the contents of my Images folder from the old computer to the new does not fix the problem, nor does using a different browser (the problem persists on Firefox and Edge). Also, reinstalling the various Java DKs (the one from the Java website, v20, and the Adoptium one v17U) have not made a difference.

I've attached the most recent debug log report, pruned from the latest debug txt file, but these files have been several megabytes in size of late. I wonder if the mafia community can offer any help with this please.

EDIT - as it happened, transferring all the contents of the Images folder DID resolve the problem. For some reason they didn't all transfer properly the first time. However, for future reference, it still leaves the mystery of why these images suddenly stopped appearing when starting a fresh installation of Mafia on a new computer.

EDIT EDIT - there continues to be a problem when fighting newer monsters, like pocket-wishing for e.g. any of the Smol Path new monsters from the big campground like the Terrorantula and the Ncle - their images do not load despite the above measure.


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OK. Something seems to have happened since this morning and now, because the images are now loading again on build r27551 with this computer. No more Unexpected errors on the gCLI.