I'm new to scripting


New member
so i'm new to scripting and dont really know anything about it. can someone provide a nice explaination as to how it works, as well as suggest some nice, easy-to-use editors?
Just wondering what particular section of scripting are you talking about?
The CLI based one or the ASH scripting?

Scripts are pretty much just a set of instructions...

Personally I use notepad (Hahah yeah basic but it works >>)
Notepad is my common editor. I certainly wouldn't call it easy to use... But it is easy to find. :)

Basic Scripting Definition:

A set of instructions written to automate some tasks.

In short, if you do the same thing in KoL everyday (like I used to before ascension) you could write a script to do that for you. You would then log in, run the script, and your done. You might have to leave mafia open to finish the tasks, but once you start it you can leave it unattended.