Bug - Fixed HP and MP estimates under Vole Sign


Just ascended vole sign, and happened to notice that on turn 1 Mafia predicted my HP to be 8 lower than it was, and my MP 10 lower.

I think the reason is that Mafia is treating vole sign +MP/HP as not to be multiplied by Wisdom/Ravioli etc, but KoL is multiplying by those. I have Wisdom adjusting my MP, which would give 10 MP more, and Ravioli/Abs of Tin adjusting my HP, giving 7.5 Hp more.

The HP wiki page doesn't mention vole explicitly, but only the slime skills are mentioned as not being multiplied by the % adjusters.

I think the vole bonuses need to be converted to be straight +HP/MP bonuses, rather than non-multiplied ones.