How to have Mafia not automate my battles for me...


I've encountered a problem that quite possibly cost me a full day of my BM run. While buying and using MMJs via the CLI, I tried adventuring. Unfortunately for me, lag prevented mafia from finishing the MMJs before I entered battle. When entering battle, it then chose to automate for me by melee attacking (quite possibly because that's what my default CCS is). This might not be such a bad problem...if only I weren't a myst class. This has happened twice, and cost me both fights. My question is, is this:

a) unavoidable,
b) my fault, by way of settings/options,
c) a bug, or
d) a feature (doubtful)?
If you adventure in the relay browser it won't automate any battles. LINK

If you auto-adventure it will automate battles. There's pretty much no other way to auto-adventure.

If you find my advice bad, please explain how you were attempting to adventure and what actions led to mafia's automation of your battle.
I was adventuring through the relay browser (never automate in-run). Mafia chose to do the fight for me anyway.

Step 1: "use mmj" in CLI.
Step 2: Click an adventure.php link in relay browser.
Step 3: Profit. er...
Step 3: Die.

I don't have the exact CLI output from when it happened, but this is what my session log shows:
buy 1 magical mystery juice at market price from Gouda's Grimoire and Grocery
You acquire an item: magical mystery juice
You spent 100 Meat

[1486] Out By that Rusted-Out Car

use 1 magical mystery juice
Encounter: vegetable gremlin
Round 0: sentrion wins initiative!
Round 1: sentrion executes a macro!
Round 1: sentrion attacks!
You lose 39 hit points
Round 2: sentrion attacks!
Round 3: Feyd sucks some blood out of your opponent and injects it into you.
Round 3: vegetable gremlin takes 1 damage.
You gain 1 hit point
You lose 41 hit points
Round 3: sentrion attacks!
You lose 38 hit points
Round 4: sentrion attacks!
Round 5: Feyd sucks some blood out of your opponent and injects it into you.
Round 5: vegetable gremlin takes 1 damage.
You gain 1 hit point
You lose 39 hit points
Round 5: sentrion attacks!
Round 6: vegetable gremlin takes 4 damage.
You lose 40 hit points
Round 6: sentrion attacks!
You lose 37 hit points
Round 0: sentrion casts LASAGNA BANDAGES!
The Lasagna Bandages were what I was trying to do in the relay browser.
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Mafia adds a combat button to run a script. Is it possible that you clicked that button?

When using KoL's CAB or mafia's CAB this is the left-most button. It is in the same position as the adventure again button. It would be pretty easy to click by accident, right after using the button to adventure again.

Could that have been your problem?
Okay, I'm out of ideas. Mafia has never done that to me. Maybe someone else will be less clueless.
Well, what happens when you are in the middle of a combat and "use something" in the CLI?

This looks like another lack-of-synchronization thing to me (allowing relay actions while mafia isn't done running a script/command).
I guess you didn't have any auto-attack set in KoL?

I tested using an item in the gCLI in the middle of a fight, after setting my combat action to the appropriate CCS:
[703] The Middle Chamber
Encounter: Iiti Kitty
Round 0: slyz wins initiative!
Round 0: slyz casts ENTANGLING NOODLES! (auto-attack)
Round 2: Yuk sniffs around, looking for something to absorb.
KoLmafia thinks it is round 3 but KoL thinks it is round 1

> use 1 mmj

Using 1 magical mystery juice...
Round 3: slyz executes a macro!
Round 3: slyz casts WAVE OF SAUCE!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 4: iiti kitty takes 94 damage.
You gain 19 hit points
You gain 4 Mana Points
You acquire an effect: Burning Soul (duration: 1 Adventure)
Round 4: Yuk leaps on your opponent, sliming her for 28 damage. It's inspiring!
Round 4: iiti kitty takes 28 damage.
You gain 28 Mana Points
Round 4: slyz casts SAUCEGEYSER!
Round 5: iiti kitty takes 162 damage.
You gain 30 hit points
You gain 8 Mana Points
You gain 40 Mana Points
Round 5: Yuk leaps on your opponent, sliming her for 25 damage. It's inspiring!
Round 5: iiti kitty takes 25 damage.
You gain 25 Mana Points
Round 5: slyz wins the fight!
After Battle: Yuk hops around, dancing a jig accompanied by wet squelching noises.
You acquire an item: ancient Magi-Wipes
You acquire an item: mummy wrapping
After Battle: Yuk looks up at you guiltily before disgorging a piece of equipment.
You acquire an item: Iiti Kitty phone charm
You gain 15 Muscleboundness
You gain 26 Magicalness
You gain 17 Chutzpah
xKiv is right.
As a fail-safe against such things in the future, you could set mafia to use a CCS, which itself would simply be "abort."